For any one person seems wrong and misuse even insult of flag?


i was international chatting, with a pal out of u. s. who contacted me with a surprising question.

while HE drove past a u. s. embassy in another country he noticed the u. s. flag was low so he asked his pal= me the American , why it difers from usual?

i didn't want to admit that i Don't know, i was the American to who he was asking about my own flag!!

so i said a broad answer "oh we do that as a sign of sadness.

he replied "oh like memory day for soldiers.

uh oh... no, that is a different day. i guess "they are protesting the economic disaster caused by dnc trying to give billions and billions to ukraine instead of using it for local needs." so i guessed. i referd to speaker of house ex speaker mc' refusing the billions that dnc wanted to give to ukraine.

a partial truth but not only the truth "nothing but the truth".

when i searched for the flag news i was horrified!!

i found some state politicians in ohio made a policy in ohio, for congress person death, flag at half mast. w. t. f. when did we ever do that for one person?

we do that for major tragedy not to insult the flag for something less than a major tragedy.

i am horrified. has this ever happened for any one person death? and not just in ohio... INTERNATIONAL EMBASSY too. tnx.

For any one person seems wrong and misuse even insult of flag?
2 Opinion