This morning about 7 AM the CEO of United Healthcare was shot outside the Hilton in Midtown Manhattan in NYC, I didn’t know this was so political?
United Healthcare huh? Well when Trump was president the first time I didn't have to pay a penny for my MediCare Part D prescription plan with United Healthcare. And I have never had to pay a premium for it.
Until Biden became president and then I had to pay $500/year for the premium and then I had to pay for part of my medicine.
I just wonder how much this guy had to do with making poverty level pay $500/year plus some of the costs for the medicine?
It probably pissed a lot of people off. I mean, he was the CEO so obviously he approved making poor people pay for their medicine or choose to eat!!
A choice that dude never had to make. He ate just fine while poor people were starving 😔15 Reply- 1 mo
Dispensing fee - as I call it is often $9-$15. That’s a flat rate irregardless of any deductible :(
Most Helpful Opinions
Apparently the company is being investigated for insider trading and more. Bet it's got something to do with that.
00 Reply
This was a hit plain and simple. Could be any number of reasons but I would not be surprised if it was someone who themself or a loved one was denied coverage and decided to exact revenge.
Medical insurance has got to be a heartless business. I don't know if I could be someone who denies coverage to someone who is really sick knowing that that person could suffer and even die. For the insurance company it is business but for the patient it is their (or loved one's) life. I can only imagine how many pissed off people out there who have been denied coverage.
20 Reply
318 opinions shared on Trending & News topic. It sounds like a professional hit. The guy had a suppressor (silencer) on his gun and had an escape plan.
But who had a motive? Was it an inside job? Was it a person whose loved one died because they were denied insurance coverage?00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
- 1 mo
I have no symphony for these CEO's with these ultra rich salaries and fucking people out of there benefits in this case and property etc in other cases. He got what he deserves and when if ever we find out who did it we will also find a dead person because of him.
18 Reply- 1 mo
@molonski2 Right they shouldn't have shot him, should of hung him by his filthy rich balls and just let him bleed out likely like the patients he refused medical services for. When you are the CEO you are the top of the food change and have to accept responsibility for whatever happens within the company. It's all GREED and coming to where common Dick & Jane are tired of taking a fucking continually by the Filthy Rich.
- 1 mo
And a little frightening from someone who wishes to be involved in local government , and even golf club politics , utterly disgusting comments.. How would you feel if they shot your husband?
Yes , he also could be a target.
Poor language does not deserve further communication , wake up.. and if speaking to me , speak in acceptable English , not USA abuse.
Thankyou for your contribution , now have some dignity and self respect please. - 1 mo
@molonski2 - thank you.
- 1 mo
@molonski2 I would disagree
- 1 mo
You can do whatever you like.
But for anyone that thinks it is okey to shoot a guy bcoz he is CEO of an insurance company I can only say " For you I feel very afraid " ... as there is no argument to have.
Goodnight , but you enjoy you life , and dont think about this mans family at all , or his life cut short , for just going about his business.
Utterly disgusting and immoral attitude.. but have a lovely day. - 1 mo
@molonski2 Not worried my husband doesn't cheat people to make money like that creep did.
- 1 mo
@molonski2 I am thinking about the suffering this dead CEO has caused in the world, and I am thankful I no longer have to share the planet with him.
He is directly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans. His greed was his undoing, and he got what he deserved.
The only disgusting and immoral thing here is this CEO directly profiting off of the suffering of American families who bought health insurance through his company. His greed and heinous immorality are an abomination and stain on my country.
This ceo is a trash individual and he is where he belongs
- 1 mo
Of course health insurance is political, medicare and medicaid are a necessity for a lot of people, not to mention the Affordable Care Act. I wouldn’t be surprised if more people weren’t happy to see a CEO from one of these companies that helps make medical care so expensive in the first place getting shot.
10 Reply - 1 mo
There was apparently some insider trading going on so chances are it is some kind of corruption going on in the company possibly involving people outside too. So I think the best guess is that it was a hit job about money. The guy may have known things that others didn't want to get out to the public or he made some illegal profits and didn't turn over the vig to the mob, or some kind of infighting between crooks. Something like that.
10 Reply - 1 mo
1. A power move within the company in order to have someone else take over (hired hit man) inside job.
2. He denied someone of their insurance claim
3. Wife wanted revenge from him cheating.
4. All the above everyone conspired
I just posted about this too.02 Reply- 1 mo
The wife is probably getting millions in life insurance also
- 1 mo
- 1 mo
While extrajudicial killings are bad for society in general, it’s hard to shed a tear for that monster of a human they called CEO.
Hopefully this helps the victims of his health insurance scam rest a little easier.00 Reply - 1 mo
is t just me or is this becoming all the more common. I feel like I keep hearing about CEOs getting shot. I blame all the "eat the rich" rhetoric. All this violence is getting kinda scary. I wanna go hide lol
00 Reply - 1 mo
Why should I care? Some moneygrubbing CEO of a notoriously corrupt insurance company is killed, probably with just reasons
I've got other concerns. Things that matter more than his life. Like watching porn and stuff00 Reply i think it was patient who had been denied medical care, or the person's kid had been denied, even more likely, which is why no one in the news is talking about it
11 Reply- 1 mo
Too early to know what led to it. Corporate? Personal? Disgruntled patient whose coverage was denied?
12 Reply - 1 mo
Yes I heard about that on the radio here, I’m not too far from the city, I think it was a person who probably lost someone because insurance wouldn’t cover the expense so they probably took it out on him
00 Reply - 1 mo
As someone who was directly responsible for the deaths of thousands of people due to denial of health insurance coverage that they paid for, he got what he deserved.
00 Reply - 1 mo
I don't know anything about the guy, but I heard he was very disliked and had been getting a lot of threats. It has the charactestics of a contract killing
00 Reply - 1 mo
Tragic. I doubt the shooter knew who he shot.
00 Reply I'm guessing he was killed by someone with a loved one who was denied treatment.
00 ReplyInsurance companies make their money by saying no. Some put money above people and doing what is right. I have no tears for this guy.
00 Reply- 1 mo
Sometimes something happens that really i can't help but laugh at. This is one of those. I'm honestly surprised something like this hasn't happened sooner.
00 Reply - 1 mo
Don't know him or the story behind it, may he r. i. p
Sadly these days, it's so easy for people to go and kill someone!00 Reply - 1 mo
They got his ass for a reason the reason I don’t know, but people don’t go around, shooting other people for no reason he did something wrong.
00 Reply 744 opinions shared on Trending & News topic. Don't deny medical claims and don't sell insurance plans like Medicare Advantage that are basically scams.
01 Reply- 1 mo
Exactly 🤣
- Anonymous(45 Plus)1 mo
when people lose everything... they can "lose it".. their sanity.
00 Reply Always has to be a Hilton lol. A lady ran her husband over in front of one years ago.
00 Reply@smahala1991 maybe someone got upset of med bill
00 Reply- Anonymous(18-24)1 mo
That was crazy, and I hope they catch that murderer.
00 Reply 830 opinions shared on Trending & News topic. Maybe he had it coming.
00 Reply- Anonymous(45 Plus)1 mo
What did he do to piss the person off?
00 Reply 742 opinions shared on Trending & News topic. Hilarious
00 Reply- 1 mo
strange incident
00 Reply
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