Feb 1st is nice. Gives you enough time and space to be a little casual about it to your sweetheart and then enough time to scramble to figure out what you're doing for Valentine's Day.
00 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
Better soon then to late. Just tell him you want to get to know him better because you find him attractive and ask him if he is interested in becoming your valentine.
The last thing you want is that someone else steals him away from you at the last moment00 Reply
8 dWhat does it mean when someone asks you to be their Valentine?
00 Reply
When it feels right. 2 weeks before? One week? Just don't do it after, unless you wanna make sure for 2026. Xd
11 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
9 dnever too late... even if already February 18... ask them out
10 ReplyWhenever it feels right for you , there is no set time limit
10 Reply- 8 d
It's never too early. Valentine's Day plus one is too late.
00 Reply - 9 d
I would just ask before someone else does
00 Reply - 9 d
It could be literally any time of the year. Just signal your interest and don't even bother waiting for Valentine's day. Dudes don't generally give a monkeys about it anyway, it's just another BS holiday day.
00 Reply - 9 d
Doesn't matter.
If they really like you, they'll be thrilled you asked no matter when it was.
And if they're not really into you, they won't start to like you because you asked at the "right" time.
00 Reply Gonna ask mine Monday. Heading to the store right now for a "be mine" typa card. Plan on grabbing his favorite candy too.
11 Reply- 3 d
And he said?
Whenever it feels right. I don’t think there’s a prescribed time interval. I certainly don’t think 2-3 weeks beforehand is too much, maybe longer so you can make plans to celebrate.
00 ReplyMaybe a week or two before Valentine's Day. When it seems like a good time to you.
01 Reply- Anonymous(45 Plus)9 d
Just ask them if it's too early to ask them to be your valentine. There is a way to work everything.
00 Reply Just ask them out before hand. Date a little, then when Valentine’s season hits, ask then.
00 Reply- 8 d
I don't know, but, NEVER assume, they already are
00 Reply There is no timeline
..10 Reply- 9 d
Now is prime time.
00 Reply - 8 d
I would say first grade is about the right time.
00 Reply - 10 d
Like real soon.
00 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)9 d
Beginning of feb
10 Reply - 8 d
It is never too early or too late to do so.
00 Reply January to February 7th.
00 Reply2 weeks before in perfect
00 Reply- 9 d
The day before.
00 Reply
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