My ex of 3 months blocks and unblocks me? What does it mean?

My ex and I broke up 3 months ago. Initially after the break up he kept blocking and unblocking me. We never communicated until I reached out 2 weeks back to clear the misunderstandings. He was very very rude and said so many mean things to me and said I bad mouthed him ( which is not true). Then finally he got really mad at me and told me the real reason he broke up with me was because I am not working a professional job. He even told me that I will never become a doctor. I was very deeply hurt then he called me nasty names and blocked me. Now after 2 weeks he unblocked me today because one of our mutual friends updated her whatsapp story with a pic of me and her and he saw it and unblocked me the next day. I don't know why he did that? He told me he hates me a lot and hate is a soft word that's how much he hates on me, he said all of this before he blocked me.. so why did he unblock me now?
My ex of 3 months blocks and unblocks me? What does it mean?
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