We had a really big argument in the past and it ended with the both of us saying that we shouldn't be together and we ended on really bad terms. The breakup was an impuls decision becuse we were so mad at eachother becuse of an huge misunderstanding that led to us breaking up and we had no communication after that. We even unfreinded eachother on Snapchat (I was the first one to do so becuse I didn't want to see his story's). After 2 months he reached out on instagram and we started talking 24/7. He told me that he missed me, that he liked me and that we should try again. I didn't know what to feel becuse Im so young and I'm very unsure of what I want at this age. We never actually hung out during this time when we were talking so much becuse he was on a vacation in Italy but when he got home I met him in town and he just walked past me and looked down and just said a quite hi and kept walking. I was so confused and I thought he didn't actually like me. I met this new guy that I started dating and my ex was quick to message me once he found out about this and wanted to know EVERYTHING about this new guy. We actually hung out once and he asked a bunch of questions about him and wanted to know if we were together and if things were serious. At that point I had gone out on a few dates with the new guy but we were still allowed to be with other people. I told my ex this and he kissed me and later fell asleep in my arms. I started hanging out with the new guy more. I was hanging out with him in town and he knew who my ex was and he spotted my ex from a distance. Apparently my ex was staring at him and was soooo mad. Me and my ex had an argument so I told him I wanted no more contact with him. I unfreinded him on Snapchat and a couple of hours later he started sending me nasty comments on instagram calling me a bunch of stuff. I didn't respond so he blocked me. It's been 3 months and I noticed that he had unblocked me and what does this mean? And yes it does matter...
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