Girls, Stop Making Stupid Rules About Contacting You!

As a server one time I had a table with a couple of girls for lunch. They were both cute. I chatted with them a bit, I was nice, but really didn't do a ton of flirting. But when they left, they left a phone number on the table. Well after work I texted them to see what was up. They never responded.

So later that day, I called and left a message, just in case they didn't have texting on their phone. And they never got responded. And I was lost to why they never called or texted me back. I mean, I never asked them for their number, I didn't give them my number, so why would they go out of their way to leave their number, but not answer, or get back to me.

A few months later, I've talked to different girls about giving out their numbers, and I've found some interesting responses. There are some girls, who after they give out their number, like it when a guy calls that day and shows that he's interested. But other girls get creeped out, or "turned off" when a guy calls that day or that night. Of course they don't want guys to wait like 3 or 4 days, but they also don't want them to call that same day.

And my question is, WHY?

You can't stick a piece of chocolate cake in front of someone and tell them not to eat it. If you give a guy your number, and the guy is interested, then he's going to want to talk to you as soon as he has time. Does this make a guy creepy or desperate? No! If a girl gives me her number, and I think she's cute, then I'm going to want to talk to her and possibly hang out with her. I am not a desperate guy, and I'm not creepy. But if I'm interested, I'm going to show that by trying to get in contact with her that day.
"You can't stick a piece of chocolate cake in front of someone and tell them not to eat it!"

Girls have these stupid rules about how many days it should be, or shouldn't be, for a guy to call after a date, or after giving their number. And they get this number of days from advice from a dating book, or from something they hear. But here's the deal. What you think a guy should do, and what another girl thinks a guy should do is going to be different.

How can you make all these hoops that guys have to jump through at different times? How do you expect a guy to know what YOUR rules are? Because your rules are going to be different from the next girl.

Now if you think a guy is going to be creepy or seems desperate, DON'T GIVE HIM YOUR NUMBER. Is it possible that a desperate or creepy guy might call you that same day? Of course! But just because a guy wants to talk to you as soon as possible doesn't make him desperate, it doesn't make him creepy, all that it means is that he's interested.

Don't view it as a turnoff, realize what it really is, and that's a compliment. Don't just throw your number out to whomever. Get to know the guy, and if he seems like a nice guy, then give him your number to get to know him better, or get his number.

Now I'm not telling you to be easy, that's not it at all. I believe a guy should still have to earn you as far as being your boyfriend. But don't make stupid rules that ONLY YOU KNOW ABOUT, and that could possibly ruin your chances with a great guy who is interested in you. Why would you push away a guy that might like you, if you don't even know him? If you don't want a guy to call you that same day or night, DON'T GIVE HIM YOUR NUMBER.

If you read dating or relationship books, or get dating or relationship advice, and it gives rules, make sure you realize a couple of things:
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  • The first thing is that some rules are just stupid. As far as number of days that a guy should wait to call you, or not saying yes to a guy who wants to hang out with you on the weekend, but doesn't ask before Wednesday, give me a break. These rules are stupid, and although the meaning behind them might not be stupid, the fact that you're making windows of time for guys to jump through is dumb.

  • The second thing you need to realize, is that if you read some kind of a rule in a book or magazine, or hear it from someone, you can't expect anyone else to know the rule. Guys can't read minds, and there is no possible way for us to know everything there is to know about girls and dating. We don't know all the rules, we don’t even know most of the basics. So realize that we haven't read all the dating books or magazine articles you've read. If you want something or like something a certain way, please let us know.

Because like I said, every girl is different. You can't blow us off because we can't read your mind.
Girls, Stop Making Stupid Rules About Contacting You!
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