Things some men do that they do not realize they may be doing that turn some women off to them


Things some men do that they do not realize they may be doing that turn some women off to them

These are just my opinions of things I think some men do, that they do not realize turn women off or make women lose attraction.

These are not a rule of thumb. Of course there are exceptions and every women is different so we all have different things that turn us off. Some of these are meant to be funny as well.

Also please keep in mind that these are things in my opinion that may make a woman not want to keep getting to know a guy or will want to discontinue dating.

I am not talking about women who are already in relationships. Hence the category dating.

Things some men do that they do not realize they may be doing that turn some women off to them

Things some men do that they do not realize they may be doing that turn some women off to them

1. Past sexual experiences

I think that if a woman is enjoying a nice evening with a guy the last thing she wants to hear about is how many times you did doggystyle on your ex. Or if the guy slept with a ton of women.

Things some men do that they do not realize they may be doing that turn some women off to them

2. Talking about your ex girlfriend: again this goes back to number 1 where a guy is talking about his past.

3. Bragging about things you have all the time and how much money you have

4. Flaking out on a girl not showing up and not letting her know

5. Bad breath

6. Always talking about yourself

7. Calling a woman hot while you are on a date with a woman or staring at another woman the entire time

Things some men do that they do not realize they may be doing that turn some women off to them
8 Opinion