Girls, what's your opinion of big lips on guys?

This may sound weird, but my face has been going through some structural changes lately. Essentially, my jaw has gotten quite a bit wider, but my lips have also become bigger (they were thin before).

I know guys usually like girls with large lips, but what about the other way around? I ask because large lips strike me as a feminine trait to have, but a wider jaw is a masculine trait, and I've heard many girls fawn over large lips before.

Examples of thin lips:

Girls, what's your opinion of big lips on guys?

Girls, what's your opinion of big lips on guys?

Examples of large lips:

Girls, what's your opinion of big lips on guys?

Girls, what's your opinion of big lips on guys?

I like thin lips better.
I like large lips better.
I like them both equally/I don't care.
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Girls, what's your opinion of big lips on guys?
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