Girls: Are you generally suspicious and/or repulsed by men?

I know it sounds like I'm trying to verify some bitter suspicion, but that's not my intent.

I recently have been running into more and more statistics that really give a bleak outlook on how women feel about men lately.

One article on Psych Today claimed that in the majority of cases, women find men physically unattractive the majority of the time, and that almost all violent thoughts or actions are directed towards men. And furthermore, that women more often felt men were suspicious or creepy than friendly.

In another national culture survey, they found that, if given a choice, only some 35% of women would marry the same guy again. (Nearly half the percentage that men hold if I recall.)

Then, the straw that brought me here: apparently women initiate some 80% of divorces. I figured "okay, maybe things aren't working out, and women tend to be the ones taking the initiative." But apparently the top reasons were related to being "not satisfying enough in bed", and being "incompetent".

These stats leave me really worried. It makes me feel undesirable, slimy, and uncomfortable to be around just for being a dude. Almost as though no girl will desire me for my personality or body, but that a relationship would consist of me constantly having to "prove my worthiness of her presence" just to keep her around.

Can you maybe clarify for me?
Girls: Are you generally suspicious and/or repulsed by men?
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