He got upset because I post a bikini photo on fb- Is he controlling?

There is this guy I like and he likes me too. anyway, we are just friends but there is this uncanny connection between the to of us. when we go two or three days without talking to each other its crazy. anyway he is on my Facebook and he saw my swimsuit photos, I knew something was off with him because he was being very abrupt with me when we are talking. He finally started talking and he said that he doesn't like the fact that I had those pics up, said he knows me better and he felt disappointed and sad. he also said that it made me look cheap and he went on saying how guys making all sort of comments. he wasn't really angry but he was obviously hurt by it. I like this guy but we are just friends. I am not so innocent either, cause I saw where this girl keeps liking and commenting on his pics and I was furious but I did not say anything to him because I know that we are not dating. So after he went on stating his case I asked him if he had feelings for me and he admitted that he does. I like him but I do not know if we are going to be able to control our emotions. with both our display of jealousy...I have strong feelings for him but should I tell him?
He got upset because I post a bikini photo on fb- Is he controlling?
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