7 Reasons Why Young People Today Don’t Know How To Listen To Music

Unfortunately, this decade's youth (Aged 15-30), has a wrong impression about what music is. Thankfully there are exceptions, but the majority are as I describe below.

(In alphabetical order)

1) Artists Nowadays Are Not As Good As The Older Ones

7 Reasons Why Young People In Our Days Don’t Know How To Listen To Music

They lack the artistry older artists had. They had real love for music, and they were putting their heart and soul when they were making an album. Now they only care about being rich and famous and getting all the chicks, putting music afterwards. After all, young people seems like, they have low standards when it comes to music, so current artists don’t put much effort either in order to fulfill their standards. Of course there was crap in older days too, but less crap than nowadays for sure!

2) Artists Promote Their Music Via The Internet

7 Reasons Why Young People Today Don’t Know How To Listen To Music

Those artists most young people listen to, tend to promote the music via their Social Media accounts, which is the wrong way to promote your music. It goes against the tradition. Decades ago, artists had to go on tour, in order to promote their new album, and play the songs live. Now, they just post in their Social Media accounts, Hey, listen to our new single here. That’s definitely the wrong way to promote your music.

3) Downloading

7 Reasons Why Young People Today Don’t Know How To Listen To Music

Because of the Downloading, the magic of discovering music was lost. When you had to go to a store, buy a couple of albums, then listen to them at your home, and see if the rest of the album is as good as the single you listened to on the radio. Well, it might be hypocritical for me to say this, because I have downloaded songs too as well…still, the Downloading thing is Double-Edged. Because of this, access to music is much easier for the masses, but obviously bad for the artists themselves.

4) Mobiles In Concerts

7 Reasons Why Young People Today Don’t Know How To Listen To Music

This thing destroyed the traditional way music should be listened too. First of all you don’t enjoy the full concert, and secondly the videos you shoot with your mobile are really low quality. So why bother? Back in the day, there was a cameraman who was shooting the whole concert, and then it was released into a VHS form (if it was some big gig). Not to mention the silly thing many young people do, to hold the mobiles in the air during a Power Ballad. No, you were supposed to hold a lighter, silly.

5) Not Listening To Full Albums

Back in the day, people used to buy full records, and listen to the whole of them. Now because of easier access to music (see Downloading), young people tend to listen only the hits, without bothering listening to full albums. But let’s be honest here, artists nowadays use fillers for non-singles, whilst back in the day they put some effort to make good non-singles for the albums. This plainly happens, because they know young people in our days, don’t listen to full albums.

6) Playlists

7 Reasons Why Young People Today Don’t Know How To Listen To Music

Highly related, with what I said above about the fact they don’t listen to full albums. That’s a huge reason actually. Playlists destroyed the way music should be listened to. They just add various artists into one playlist and they listen to them. That’s actually wrong, because it has no proper sequence unlike an album. And this sequence has a meaning actually. There is a reason why the tracks are placed in a certain order, in one album.

7) They Don’t Listen To Music From The Years Before They Were Born

7 Reasons Why Young People Today Don’t Know How To Listen To Music

It’s really sad that most young people don’t, and they only know the classic hits from the old days. I can’t relate with their musical tastes, because I listen to -almost exclusively- music released before the year I was born (1991), so unfortunately I don’t have much in common with them. Anyway, it’s sad that they don’t bother searching for the older stuff, because they are missing what we call Real Music.

7 Reasons Why Young People Today Don’t Know How To Listen To Music
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