Dove Embraces Natural Curly Hair - Beauty Standard Blenders


Dove Embraces Natural Curly Hair - Beauty Standard Blenders

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"Only four out of every 10 curly haired girls think think there hair beautiful."

Dove recently launched another campaign, #LoveYourCurls that has gone viral. The campaign encourages girls of all ages and ethnic backgrounds to embrace their curly locks!

Sure the natural hair movement is becoming a trend, but whether it's in or not, can we appreciate the curls?

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What do you guys think? What type of hair is considered more beautiful, curly or straight? What do you consider the "standard of beauty?"

Girls with straight hair, chime in! How often do you pick up that curling wand or curlers? Have you had a perm to make your hair curly or straight?

Dove Embraces Natural Curly Hair - Beauty Standard Blenders
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