Girls Making Dating Impossible and Setting the Bar Way Too High


Setting the bar way too high

Girls Making Dating Impossible and Setting the Bar Way Too High

Let's start with the basics. every girl wants a hunk, a sweat heart; that 'Tom welling'from small ville or that 'hot football kid' you dated at high school. but let's be more realistic. although hot guys do exist and are out there no doubt here's a tiny hint you know ..

Not every guy is Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise,George Clooney ,António Banderas or Tayler lawner.most guys are you regular average Joe's.some have daddy issues,mommy issues and even baby momma drama. These are the guys who often get red flagged.


Girls Making Dating Impossible and Setting the Bar Way Too High

Guys get red flagged for the sillliest of reasons seeing that most guys are average looking try dating a regular looking guy, not every guy is that handsome aston kutcher or that Denzel washington.dont ask him about his relationship with his mom or dad. If you see him get uncomfortable slow down and go with the basics . Not every guy has a good relationship with his parents so red flagging him because of that would not only be unfair but also selfish and biased.take your time to get to know him.

Friend zone

Keeping a guy in the friend zone for too long can be very dangerous and could cause him to lose interest.


Girls Making Dating Impossible and Setting the Bar Way Too High

If you feel that he is not the one tell him.keeping a guy in the friend zone sends the wrong message.

Girls Making Dating Impossible and Setting the Bar Way Too High
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