Does your voice change when you flirt?

Does your voice change when you flirt? If so, in what way?

I notice when my roommate gets on the phone with this guy she likes her voice and speech pattern completely changes!

Her natural voice is loud, high-pitch, and very clear tone.
When she talks to the guy she likes her voice pitch deepens, she talks slower, and she pretty much mubbles.

I have seen other people do this too and I'm not sure why but it kinda creeps me out lol.

My voice doesn't change at all when I talk to a guy I like. Does that make me a bad flirt?
I have had guys change their voice when talking to me and my reaction has always been "wtf why are you talking to me like that?" and a feeling of second-hand embarrassment washes over me.

Does your voice change when you flirt?
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