Only invites me to hang out with the group, but not on a date?

I've known this guy for awhile now through my work. We've been friends but up until a couple months ago he's had a girlfriend. About a month ago, he started dropping some pretty direct hints that he likes me. For instance, saying things like, "wow, we're basically perfect for each other, we should date" In fact in one conversation he said "we should be dating" about 10 times. (I can be very thick headed and I think he was really trying to get the point across to me). He's also very touchy with me and always takes the time to come see me on my shifts. (He works next door)

So lately we've started hanging out, thing is, he always invites me to group things, going to bars, get togethers at his place, etc. And when I go, he can be very hot and cold. Sometimes its like I'm the ony person there, and he's very touchy-feely with me, but sometimes its like I'm just another member of "the gang."

The couple times I have tried to set something up for us to hang out, his work conflicts with it. So I've given up trying to set things up on my own, because I do want to be chased a little bit. The last time I asked, I playfully teased him about his work. And after that banter he sent me a text with something like, "What'd you have in mind? A date? (fingers crossed)

The other thing is, and keep in mind because of our jobs we usually see each other at least every other day, he doesn't really initiate any texting unless its to ask me to hang out with the group, which he does frequently.

One thing I do know is his most recent ex was not really down with hanging out with his friends, so maybe some of this is like a male version of a spice girls thing? (If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends, lol)

So what do you think his deal is? Likes me? Doesn't? Why only the group events? (which are mixed company, not just "bros") How can I get him to kick up his game w/o seeming needy?
Only invites me to hang out with the group, but not on a date?
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