Friends made a new group chat but didn't involve me, am I in the wrong here for being upset?

Trying to be as short as I can with this so lets go;

Me and a few friends met online we usually go onto a Twitch streamers Discord to talk as some of us are mods etc while we play games and hang out, recently one of these friends made a new discord group and invited everyone but me, I didn't want to say anything as it was probably like a mistake or they forgot me.

Flash forward a week no change, we often played on a Minecraft server together so for the most part they're in VC and talk to me through in-game chat, a few days ago they decided to re-do the Ender Dragon and asked if I wanted to come but I said I made plans but I'll be a while, they did it anyway without me. I'm not upset about it or anything as in the end it's a game, so I left the game and haven't been on the server since.

Left it about half an hour then messaged the guy that invited me (M30, also made the group) to talk about it as I didn't know that was the plan as I'm not in this vc group, he told me when I said I would be a while "We decided on it 20 mins ago" on in-game chat so I felt hurt that I was kept out the plan till late. I was told that I'm twisting shit, that I'm 'making shit up' and picking fights over nothing, there is no plan to avoid me, but refused to talk about the group chat aside from he doesn't want to be in a public call with a lot of people because of his hearing, which is fine but there's only 4 of us. (He's mostly deaf but it hasn't been an issue when there's like 7 of us).

Even more so the whole time I tried to speak to him he seem to focus on more that I was upset by not doing the Ender Dragon which I'm not, I've not spoken to the other two in the situation as of yet as I know one will never listen and the other one probably just doesn't want to get involved, which I can't blame him honestly as this whole situation is stupid as hell.
Friends made a new group chat but didn't involve me, am I in the wrong here for being upset?
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