I am Black with "Good hair"

We are born as a clean slate.

Loving all beings including ourselves.

As we begin to grow, society helps to mold our shape.

Painting our views, that sooner or later become tainted.

Even our hearts may become shattered.

We used to love everyone and everything

but now we reject even ourselves.

I am Black with

What is good hair?

The term "good hair" is a popular term in the African-American community. It is used to describe a black person's hair that closely resembles that hair of a typical white person (ex. soft, manageable, long, as opposed to being "nappy" which is considered "bad hair"). The closer your hair is to a white person's, the "better" your hair is.

By the people in our very own community,

We are said to be less beautiful because we choose to love ourselves,

by not conforming

to what society says is acceptable for our appearance.

Why can't I honor who I am?

Without being judged, ridiculed or made a fool.

I love me!

And I will, every day!

I am Black with "Good hair"

In the media,

the only images being displayed are women with

lightened skin and bone straight hair.

The further away from their phenotype

they appear, the more beautiful they are said to be.

Society is subconsiously,

brain washing the up and coming generation.

Instead of young girls running wild and free with their natural hair,
they are sent the message, that in order to be beautiful they have to

acquire bone straight hair.

Are people of color really to blame?

Or are they victims to society?

The racist mentality has never left,

it is only better hidden.

To me,

"Good hair" is not defined by whether it is closer to that

of a Caucasian's hair texture.

"Good hair" is strong and healthy.

It exists amongst various different cultures.

Whether it's silky straight or kinky and curly, it is beautiful!

It is what distinguishes us from many other racial backgrounds.

It is a part of your identity, and is what makes you unique to others.

I am Black with "Good hair"

Pre-historic events have influenced the way we treat others in our own community.

We were badly wounded once in time.

Injuries are closing,

and are still healing.

Hate crimes still exist.

We cannot simply "get over" something that has gotten better over time,

but still is occuring.

It is very common for various ethnicities considered (people of color) to deal with racism in their own communities.

Those are just a FEW of the many I found on the web.

Lets stop defining our beauty by those that are closer to the "white standard".

Instead love yourself,

You have to live the rest of your life with you......

so why not start now?

I am Black with "Good hair"
Post Opinion