7 Things I Love About Men

These are psychological and physical qualities I love about men. Please note a man does not have to have all of these qualities to capture my interest, but if he has a fair amount of them, how can one resist?

1. His package

7 Things I Love About Men

I would not be a straight woman if I did not find this part of a man appealing. When we have close connection, besides the great chemistry that we share I find myself, from time to time thinking about his package or the great intimate encounter we had.
A nice looking package, which fits inside of me like a perfectly matched puzzle piece, is enough to make me wild! The fact that this man knows what to do with his package is an added bonus, moments after the sex, he introduces his special delivery! Yummy! Yum! Yum!

2. His voice

7 Things I Love About Men

It's so sexy when he takes his time out of busy schedule just to give me a call. The sound of his voice just makes me want to melt.
A deep voice sends shivers down my spine!
Even if the voice isn't deep, just the sound of it, including the accent makes me feel as if I'm falling in love all over again. I could curl up all day, speaking for hours just listening to the sound of his voice.

3. His physical strength

7 Things I Love About Men

If his arms are well defined this is a plus, although not necessary. As a woman most of us love a man that asserts physical strength. We love a man that can offer protection and security. If he's able to carry me across the room without looking as if he's going to die, then this is a quality I must admire!
By the way, my weight is not equivalent to that of an elephant, so don't say I'm not being fair!

4. His smile

7 Things I Love About Men

I know you ladies have noticed it before. When a attractive man posts a photo online, and it looks like a mugshot! Oh my gosh! Who did you kill and where?
-Wipes forehead- Great! I am no where near that location!
Don't men realize how much a smile compliments their look? A man can go from appearing creepy to attractive in seconds!
If he has dimples on his cheeks this further enhances his look. Dimples are just so adorable, in combination with a beautiful smile. It's just so amazing to look at!

5. His eyes

7 Things I Love About Men

The eyes are one of the physical features that draw me in the most. They say the "eyes are a window to ones soul", I stand behind that entirely. There's a lot one can say with their eyes. Sometimes communication is non-verbal and I am able to understand what someone is thinking solely through their eyes. It is powerful and has so much effect!
Eyes that appear kind, are very inviting. They allow me to want to get to know the individual further more.

6. Intellectual conversation and sense of humor

7 Things I Love About Men

What makes a guy special from the rest is his ability to carry on a meaningful conversation. He is able to express his views in an intelligent manner, without condemning or offending others. I enjoy this aspect so much because it's not a quality all guys have.
I also, love a sense of humor in a guy!
He doesn't have to be a comedian, lets face it some of us are bad joke tellers and shouldn't try!
We'll tell a joke, and look around only at serious faces staring back at us.
-Audience- BOOOOO!!!
However, if he's great at "taking" a joke, then this shows me he doesn't take life too seriously. He knows there is a time to laugh, and a time to be about his business.
The wonderful balance in personality is gold!
Okay, maybe platinum....Jackpot!

7. He is compassionate and romantic

7 Things I Love About Men

I remember, a while ago when I was 17. I bought my first Valentine a box of chocolates. He got me nothing in return, but don't worry that wasn't even the icing on the cake. He quickly devoured the candies inside of the box (did not even offer me one, as I stared at him eating like never before). He crumbled the heart box and threw it in the trash. I felt like it was my heart that was being crushed at that moment! Okay, call me overdramatic, I don't care :P !
The fact that he had no idea, that I was upset turned me off completely!
This leads me to saying, I like a guy that is romantic and has compassion! I don't expect flowers on my doorstep every day, but when the occasion calls for it, nice flowers and the ability to understand my feelings will do!
I swear if this ever happened to me again, I'm slam dunking the chocolate box on a guy's head!

7 Things I Love About Men

Trust me, this list has just gotten started! I'm looking for you ladies to add to it. So, I will ask Ladies, What do you love about men? If you have nothing to add, what's on this list that you love about them the most?

Thanks for reading!

7 Things I Love About Men
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