Five Tips To Boost Your Productivity!


Try for a week or two... should help.

1. Quit Day Dreaming So much

If you are someone who does it so much so that even when eating lunch you are constantly losing yourself in your mind/ thoughts- you need to stop.

Live in the present!

Five Tips To Boost Your Productivity !

2. Control the Music

Whenever you put on music, what do you end up doing?

Do you get distracted and end up not completing your work? Do you find yourself wanting to sleep or just enjoy the music more than focusing on the work at hand?

If yes to any of those questions, then you need to stop or at least limit yourself.

Five Tips To Boost Your Productivity!

3. Shower

When you are stressed, find yourself lazy, tired, irritated, or whatever, go ahead and just take a quick/relaxing shower.

Five Tips To Boost Your Productivity!

4. Drink water

Cold water and drink in sips. Don't gulp it down.

And drink while you are sitting. Always have some cold water with you.

Five Tips To Boost Your Productivity!

5. Clean your room or keep your work/ study area organized

Even if you are the messiest person due to your laziness, it may be that you actually do enjoy a neat place; and that a messy place somehow prevents you from being productive and makes you more lazy.

Five Tips To Boost Your Productivity!
Five Tips To Boost Your Productivity!
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