Do guys mind stretch marks on girls?

I'm nearly 19 and sometimes it makes me question the stretch marks on my body. I only weigh 58kg. Some times I'm fine with it and I don't give a shit, other times it really makes me down. I have severe stretch marks (I bleieve) my hips are covered in them, every single part of my butt has them (not even one centre metre is left untouched. My inner thighs have them a lot. My calves have them and they go all the way down to my feet but aren't on my feet. Because of this I can't wear dresses or show my legs at all. It didn't use to affect me but one day when I wore a dress. A gut pointed and said they were damn obvious, ever since them I've been a little concerned about them. I've seen plenty of people with them who say they have a lot but comparing them to mine. there's is nothing. Would guys mind? My friend has stretch marks on her calves and her boyfriend dumped her because she wore pants all the time. Does that worry guys? Thanks in advance
Do guys mind stretch marks on girls?
9 Opinion