I dont get hungry anymore? Sometimes I wake up at the middle of the might because of hunger pains and I dont understand why?

So for some reason i rarely get hungry anymore, at all.. eating is pretty much a chore for me right now. I'll eat because i know if i'll be tired etc if i dont, but i have kinda lost the joy i had over food.

Like i said, i rarely get hunrgy, and when i eat i only have to eat maybe one or two spoon fuls before im not hungry anymore. I eat so little these days that i have experiencing waking up either very early in the morning (5-7) or late at night (2-4 PM) because of hunger pains because i haven't eat enough.. But the thing is that when i go to bed i dont feel hungry.

Anyone else that have experienced this? why is this happening?
I dont get hungry anymore? Sometimes I wake up at the middle of the might because of hunger pains and I dont understand why?
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