Can you still look good the next day without showering/washing your hair?

Because I get lazy but I look anywhere from "meh" to "complete trash/hobo looking" if I don't wash my hair everyday because it's thin/fine and I have low density, so it looks like a thin frizzy mess and depending on what products I used I look like someone put butter in my hair.

And I feel like I should change up my hairstyle from long to short if I look that bad the next day...

So can you still look good or attractive if you don't shower that day?
No, I look like trash if I don't shower everyday
I can go a day or two without
I could make it 3-5 days without washing my hair and still looking great
I barely look decent on the days that I do shower, I don't even want to imagine how bad I look on the days that I don't
I look great no matter what... favorable genetics I guess
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Can you still look good the next day without showering/washing your hair?
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