Guys, would you date a pretty girl with lots of acne on her face?

Well people do tell me that am pretty (both guys and girls) ..well I also know that I am. At times I get insecure that a guy won't date or like me because i have a lot of acne on my my face. I have tried out a couple products to improve on my skin but nothing seems to be working. My parents are looking for a dermatologist so he/she can check out my skin ..but it's going to take a long time. I sometimes don't like looking at people when talking to them because I always think that they are staring at my acne.

Other than the acne ,everything about me is OK ..I mean am in great shape(am slim) pretty even with the acne ..i think I do have a nice personality etc.

So guys, is a girl with acne a turn off to most of you?
Yes it's a turn off , I wouldn't date her
No it doesn't matter to me , I would date her.
Am neutral towards it but i would date the girl if we had things in common
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Guys, would you date a pretty girl with lots of acne on her face?
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