Slim, short girls... what do you do to stay fit (thin?) and what do you eat in a normal day?

I'm a pretty short girl... 5 ft 2 and apparently I only burn like 1,400 calories a day (without exercise). I'm looking to lose weight... but I always feel hungry!

I feel like I can't ever eat a real meal. my last meal consisted of a piece of toast, a cup of soup and some carrots. I'm so hungry after that!

What do you shorter girls like me eat during the day? Is there any way to diet without being so hungry?

My doctors says it should be a "lifestyle" change and not a diet. I agree with her. I exercise 3-5 times a week 30-60 min of cardio and I get 0 results mostly because I have such a hard time staying under 1,400 calories.

Foods are so high in calorie and they give you so much! It's hard not to eat it. So someone who's short like me... 5 ft to 5 ft 4... how do you stay fit, eat right? what does a typical day of meals look like to you?

I'm not looking for absolute thinness here. I just want to be fit and look healthy, but I'm not sure of what lifestyle I should be living or how to change it.
Slim, short girls... what do you do to stay fit (thin?) and what do you eat in a normal day?
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