Why do people in the south get married so young?

Not saying it is a bad thing, but it does seem rather peculiar to me. I have several cousins from the south and for all of them it seems like if you aren't married by 25 you're an old maid. You know the saying "ring by spring" to refer to the spring semester of a girl's senior year of college...well, at least in my experience that has totally panned out.

I, being a non-southerner, don't quite understand the mentality. If you love someone, I don't see why waiting a couple of years or so to tie the knot will change anything. But then again, I subscribe to a different viewpoint.

IF you answer that it's societal expectations or societal pressure, I agree, but I'm looking for something a little deeper than that. For example, do you think that in southern society people are expected to be married before they can be viewed as full-fledged adults? Do you think that even though statistics show that pre-marital sex is just as common in the south as anywhere else in the nation, that the public disavowal of "pre-marital relations" pushes couples to tie the knot so as not to arise the suspicion of others? Or do you think in part it has to do with the economic convenience of marriage? Or the desire to begin procreating at an earlier age?

These are just suggestions. I am really at a loss on the subject!

Why do people in the south get married so young?
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