How Magic Mushrooms Changed My Life


tl;dr: Took mushrooms, felt like I was alive again and have been ever since. No more depression!

How Magic Mushrooms Changed My Life

Talking about drugs is never an easy subject. Most people already judge you for the fact that you take them. Still, I want to break through this taboo because Magic Mushrooms have the potential to make a positive impact on loads of lives, as it did for mine.

Never-ending Depression
I've dealt with depression for almost 10 years. It was a terrible time that only got worse as the years dragged on. I lost my ability to be social, I wasn't interesting in going out or doing anything else but sit at the computer all day, browsing all matter of questionable websites such as 4chan (got nothing against it, but it's not healthy). I was in my head a lot instead of connecting to my feelings, which got increasingly hopeless. I pushed many friends away over the years.

At some point I got help and was described anti-depressants. They didn't work. They either made me sleepy, agitated or downright suicidal. Whenever I took them I felt like a zombie: Alive to keep going, but not much else.

Then I read about Magic Mushrooms. The substance in Magic Mushrooms is Psilocybin, and how it was being researched as a strong anti-depressant. This interested me loads, but I was too scared to try...

The Trip
I live in The Netherlands, so weed as well as mushrooms can be legally bought here. Finding myself increasingly hopeless I bought a pack of mushrooms when I was in the city one day. That night I took about 2 grams of the stuff and that's where the magic literally happened.

At some point I began to feel warm. Not the kind of heat when you turn on the heater, but warm and fuzzy inside my body. My worries started to disappear, and I could see the bright side of certain things again. I put on a piece of music and I was amazed at how good it sounded! No longer wishing to hide behind my computer, I took the bus to the city, smoked a little bit of weed and proceeded to have an absolute blast of an evening! I had fun with so many different things, it was incredible! I felt confident, I felt beautiful and I felt like the ladies were genuinely interested in me while before I hard a hard time to look them in the eyes! Needless to say I flirted a lot that night.

The Future
When I woke up the next day, the positive vibes were still there! Now I'm working on my future again. I want to get my pilot's license and find a nice woman to share my life with. No more stalling, no more overthinking things. It's time to live my life!

Thank you for reading. Please ask questions and I will do my best to answer them.

How Magic Mushrooms Changed My Life
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