Canadian federal election

Believe it or not Canada is going to have an election soon it is actually sooner than that of the US.

October 19, 2015 is the day of the federal election

In Canada there are 3 major parties. The other 2 get barely any votes so I am not going to mention them.

The Conservative Party

Canadian federal election

It is lead by the current Prime Minister Stephen Harper. He has been Prime Minister since 2006. In Canada there is no term limit so he can keep getting elected till he dies. Harper has always been a strong supporter of Israel and most recently of Ukraine as well by being the first head of state to recognize Ukraine's new government. He probably did this because the second largest Ukrainian diaspora in the world is in Canada the first being in Russia. His environmental policy and treatment of aboriginals has been heavily criticized. However his views on international policy are shared by many Canadians and he still remains very popular.

Canadian federal election

The Liberal Party

Canadian federal election

It is lead by Justin Trudeau. Perhaps his name may sound familiar either because he wants to legalize marijuana or because you have heard of his father the former prime minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau. For those of you who haven't heard of Pierre Trudeau, he was the 15th Prime Minister of Canada and was responsible for giving Canada it's own Constitution and giving Canada it's official independance. Before Canada gained it's constitution it was a puppet of the UK. Now there are many other things Pierre Trudeau did, enough to write a myTake but I'm here to talk about his son Justin. As the son of a Prime Minister, Justin has always been a celebrity. People tend to prejudge him by his surname since not everyone thinks as greatly of his father as I do. Justin is trying very hard to get out of his father's shadow but his policies appear very unclear. Other than being pro-choice, for the legalization of marijuana, wanting to change Canada's first past the post voting system and being anti-Harper (everything Harper does wrong he hopes to do the opposite) there's not much else I can tell you about him. The Conservatives have made an attack ad against him saying "He's just not ready" which seems quite accurate.

Canadian federal election

The New Democratic Party (NDP)

Canadian federal election

It is lead by Thomas Mulcair. He is the current opposition leader and is ahead in the polls as of this moment. He is a staunch critic of Harper and is part of the only party that opposes Bill C-51. Bill C-51 to put it bluntly is Canada's equivalent to the Patriot Act. It is very vague and gives the government a lot of authority. He promises to fix the economy, help protect the environment, lower taxes on small businesses, increase minimum wage, spend more money on daycares and many other things.

Canadian federal election

Now comes the confusing part.

Here is how Canada's electorial system works:

As of this year there are now 338 riddings instead of 308 as mentioned in the video.

Who would you vote for?

Canadian federal election
Post Opinion