Why is everyone else so stupid?

Why is everyone else so stupid?

Occasionally, I see a post from someone who comments that something in our cuture is entirely stupid and if anyone else had a lick of sense, we would change the way we do things. For example, today, a young person asked why there is a prohibition on college faculty engaging in sexual relationships with students. According to the poster, this is a ridiculous practice that stands in the way of true love and it is totally unnecessary because all parties are adults and there is no problem to be addressed. The rule should be abolished immediately!

The attitude behind these comments was horribly arrogant but I doubt that the poster realized the impression that was being conveyed. "I don't perceive a problem so everyone else must be an idiot and I'm the only one smart enough to see clearly." I was arrogant when I was young; I thought that I was smarter than everyone else. Now I am older and wiser than I was way back then, and I understand the folly of youth. However, young people today seem to believe that my generation was primitive compared to their's, so it would seem that we should expect more from them, right? (Or maybe they are just as primitive as we were.)

When you look at our culture and you see certain practices that have been in place for a long time, you can safely assume that there was a problem at one time, many people contemplated the situation and devised a plan to address the problem, and then it was implemented. The plan effectively eliminated, or at least severely curtailed, the problem and everyone was happy. So, of course, when you look at the situation now, you don't see a problem. But that doesn't mean the plan being implemented is ineffective. Quite the opposite, the plan is working as intended.

College professors solicited sex from students in exchange for the promise of good grades and college students offered sex to professors in exchange for better grades. The integrity of the academic institution was compromised by every such incident that occurred and trust in the academic staff was eroded. A ban on faculty-student relationships was implemented by colleges and adopted as a rule of ethics by teaching organizations. These problems still happen with some frequency on college campuses but at a much lower level because of the regard for the rule which now is treated as a virtual taboo.

The next time that you say to yourself, "I don't see the problem . . ." remember that those words literally mean that you do not perceive the problem; they do not mean that no problem exists. And, on a larger scale, if you don't undertand why a large group of people do something in a particular way, don't begin with the assumption that they are all stupid. If you respond with that assumption, there is only one person acting foolish. Can you guess who?

Why is everyone else so stupid?
Post Opinion