Why Would Anyone Want to Make America Great... Again?

Why Would Anyone Want to Make America Great... Again?

To say that America needs to be made great...again, is to say that America was once actually in fact great but now has become so intolerable, that it needs to be made great once more. As much as I love America, it's never been great. There has never been a time in America's recorded history that it has been great.

Oh, sure it's been great for a select few of a certain class, of a certain sexual orientation, of a certain religion, of a certain race, of a certain gender at times throughout history, but its never been this super idealized notion of greatness that people outside of a select few, could have possibly identified it as being great.

To me, being great would mean things like we don't have children going hungry on the streets, unemployment by those able and willing to actually work would not exist, we wouldn't have an incredibly toxic environment of drugs and violence that plague a lot of small towns and big cities, school teachers wouldn't have to buy their own supplies to teach your kids, good cops wouldn't be vilified for trying to protect and serve, no one would die of disease that's easily treatable for lack of health care, anyone could go to college without fear of a lifetime of student debt, and veterans would be treated with decency and respect by a country and its people who sent them to war in the first place. These problems didn't just start in 2016 nor were they all magically and radically solved by any previous generation of Americans.

I think one of the biggest ironies of the flag bearer for that statement is that this is a person who's entire platform is predicated on him being a man who is going to change the system which is apparently so broken and unfair to seemingly just him, yet this is the same system that has existed largely in that great America he speaks of. Dipping ones head in the sand and trying to go back in the past is not the solution. Human beings evolve.

The people and the ideas we had as a nation 25, 50, 100 years ago, are not the same as we have now. Technology, Science, Culture, Religion, Politics, and time all change and evolve as we do. I had a great childhood; loved it, but going back to it and trying to re-live that world wouldn't make me a better human being. Going back, at least in terms of holding up that version of America and trying to bring it forward would negate all the positive changes and revolutions that have happened over time to get us where we are today.

America is flawed like every other country in the world; its people are flawed, its politics is flawed, and it's sense of equality and justice for all are flawed, but what makes America great now, is that people continue to fight the good fight and stand up for what is right and push for changes and bring forth revolution if need be. We can't stay stuck in a past and past politics which weren't even beneficial or were exclusionary to a large majority of people in a lot of aspects. We need to take a look around at the present and figure out what we need to do now to help influence our future as a country for the better.

Why Would Anyone Want to Make America Great... Again?
2 Opinion