Researchers Say You May Be In Danger... Read To Find Out More!

Researcher Have Found Something Very Harmful To Your Health, And You May Be Subjected To It At This Very Moment... Keep Reading To Find Out More!


A deadly clickbait outbreak has swept the internet by storm. People everywhere are suffering from the effects of this deadly disease. From falsely advertising a product, to putting a misleadingly interesting title on a dull article, recent studies have concluded that you are encountering clickbait every time you enter the internet. Watch out for the symptoms below to see if you've been hit with this fatal virus!

Distorted Perception

This is the very first symptom of a clickbait infection. Clickbait causes a victim to see a very warped version of the truth. A person suffering from clickbait will often see an article or product advertised as much more interesting than what it is. For example, clickbait has the ability to turn eating healthy for an entire lifetime into a "miracle weight loss trick". This often leaves the victim confused or shocked.

Researchers Say You May Be In Danger... Read To Find Out More!

Slowed Reading Pace/Advanced Boredom

A person infected with clickbait will often find themselves reading one word per minute. Researchers have concluded that this is brought on when clickbait reaches its second stage of infection. The disease has the ability to allow the victim to only see one sentence per minute, thus quickly dropping the victims interests to a dangerously low level. The victim will find themselves feeling sluggish or agitated, thus leading to the third symptom of the clickbait infection.

Researchers Say You May Be In Danger... Read To Find Out More!

Fits of Rage

A sufferer of clickbait will often find themselves overcome by fits of rage resulting in sour moods, angry comments on internet articles, and broken electronics. The rage can vary from a small sigh of anger to outright violence.

Researchers Say You May Be In Danger... Read To Find Out More!


In more severe cases of the clickbait disease, a victim will find themselves mistrusting all online articles and links. Clickbait will warp the victims mind to fear all articles. The victim will no longer open or view anything that they fear could be clickbait, and they will go misinformed on serious subjects due to lack of resources to view.

Researchers Say You May Be In Danger... Read To Find Out More!

If you find yourself displaying signs of these symptoms, turn off your internet immediately and seek medical help.

You can help to stop the spread of this disease by unsubscribing from pages that often use clickbait articles, and avoid clicking on suggested articles that include the following phrases:

-"Here's how!"

-"Keep reading to find out more!"

-"You'll never believe it!"

-"Number 39 shocked me!"

-"Keep your eyes on the girl in the background!"

-"Here's her secret!"

-"It's a miracle!"

-"This is the one thing health care professionals don't want you to know!"

-"You could be affected!"

Researchers Say You May Be In Danger... Read To Find Out More!


Researchers Say You May Be In Danger... Read To Find Out More!
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