How To Fix Your Life

How To Fix Your Life

There is no easy way to fix your life. If you feel like your life is broken right now, it most likely took time, a series of events, and a lot of bumps to get to that place, and it's going to take maximum effort, hard work, dedication, perseverance and a willingness to accept failure, to get you back to a spot where you feel good about your life again by tackling your excuses and making them into solutions.

How To Fix Your Life

You are constantly comparing yourself to others

So and so has the nice car, the boyfriend, the kids, the house, the whatever, and woe is you, you don't have any of that. You spend all your time being jealous of what others have and complaining about what you don't have that you a)fail to see what you do actually have and b)never actually do anything about your life to make it so you are set on the path to get those things you want. There will always be someone with more, or someone who had it easy, but there will also be someone who has less, and had it hard. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and go after what you want. I'm going to ask you right now...what have you done in the last 2 months to set yourself on a path to get those things you want? Have you done more than just complain? Have you given the things you are trying time to actually take effect or allowed them to help you build on them so that you are headed in the right direction. Complaining and doing nothing about it are going to get you no where.

You blame everyone else for your problems

So many incredibly hurtful and crappy things could have happened to you in your childhood. These things aren't fair, they aren't kind, and you wouldn't wish them on your enemy, but there is a turning point where you move towards adulthood where you can't keep blaming mom and dad. You can't keep blaming those that hurt you and continue to hurt you because you know who they are and that they will continue to do those things if you let them. Get out of situations where you feel suffocated by people or their problems and move to a place where you can breath. This two requires work and effort. You have to at some point learn to adult, and learn to take responsibility for who you are as a person and who you allow in your life.

How To Fix Your Life

You don't actually try or look for solutions

Your job sucks. You hate every second of it. You complain about the poor pay, your crap boss, not enough hours, no insurance, and on and on, yet it's another year, 2017, and you are still there. If something is making you so incredibly unhappy there is absolutely nothing holding you to that place, to a person, to a job, to where you can't decide to leave and look for something new. If you don't have the education to move up in the world, a great solution is to look into going back to school, or taking educational classes online or in person, or joining a 2 year program. Don't have money for those things, well save and pinch every red cent you have, cut off the cable you don't need to live, eat, or breath, ditch the 200 dollar cell phone for a crappy one, and suck it up until you have the money to start on a path to getting out of your situation or go and look for a new job while you still have your crap one. The only reason you're still there at that job is because you want to be and when you decide you're better than that place, and better than the chains only you have placed on you, then you'll find a way to get out of there.

You waste too much effort on people who don't support you or your goals

TOXIC PEOPLE in your life don't support you or your dreams. They only exist to suck the life from you and put you down and tell you everything you do is not worthy of doing. Even if the only good people you can find exist online, let them be your support system. Go to them with your good news, and your dreams. Go to the people in real life who get it and get where you want to go and will only encourage, rather than discourage you. All the time you waste crying about how certain people make you feel or doubting yourself could be totally added up and put into finding ways to get your life back on track.

How To Fix Your Life

You don't make any plans for your future

People who have fixed some pretty jacked up situations in their life or have been successful, have had a plan. When the sh-t hit the fan, they took the blow to self, to their ego, to their life, and turned it into action. You need to learn to do the same. Focus on what you can do right now, today, in this moment, to make a difference tomorrow. Create a focused and achievable long term plans for the things right now, in this moment, that you can't yet perhaps see, but can envision them happening down the road, and commit to taking baby steps to get there. "My life sucks and there is nothing I can do about it," is neither a plan, nor true. Stop giving up before you even try.

You never seek help for issues like depression/addiction

If there are much deeper issues in your life that you struggle with---death of a family member, rape, depression, mental illness, addiction, etc. these things will hold you back if you don't ever get help for them. They can absolutely positively consume your life and make everyday a hellish nightmare, but there are people, professional, and family and friend who are willing to help you, if only you'd ask or put it out there, that you're struggling. Don't let shame, or embarrassment or fear, keep you stuck. Find someone you can trust, and let them know, you're hanging on and need some help. They may literally need to hold your hand and walk you in to get help, but you really shouldn't keep living inside your head dealing with things that you have no clue how to deal with or cope with.

How To Fix Your Life

You don't allow failure

Very few things we now consider genius like the computer, or the telephone, or vaccinations, or the printing press came about because one person tried one time and they got it. Why do you think fixing your life is going to happen like that. You just wake up and try one thing and it's all good. For some people, that may happen, but for the majority of people you have to fail 2, 5, 10 times before you get it right. But that's just it, you have to keep pushing until the 10th time where something sticks and you break through. Use your failures as lessons and merely stepping stones on your journey and don't just fold and believe that no one else ever had to work hard to get anything, because that is THE BIGGEST BS you will ever try to convince yourself of.

How To Fix Your Life
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