Interstellar - Is The Most Amazing Movie in 2014 In My Opinion

Suggestion for your coming weekend; the most fantastic movie in 2014 in my opinion is Interstellar...

Interstellar - Is The Most Amazing Movie in 2014 In My Opinion ^_^

Interstellar; even from this cover, smells completely science-fiction and it serves a fabulous parade for you almost in the whole movie...

It is so recommendable even for it's special effects, soundtracks and incredible performances!

Interstellar is the last masterpiece of Christopher Nolan who directed Momento, The Dark Night Rises (I have become a fan of Christian Bale in it!), The prestige and Inception (this movie changed my view about gravity!)...The movie is in the 23rd line in the Top List of Imdb and its story belongs to Jonathan Nolan.

Interstellar - Is The Most Amazing Movie in 2014 In My Opinion

The movie is about effects of global warming and results of our bad habits and finally earth has become uninhabitable. People are searching some ways to solve famine in the world but unfortunately only a few kinds of crops can be planted and you see the corn fields in the picture above. Our main character Cooper is talking with his little daughter Murph to solve a quarrel between them. At this moment,they were following a small explorer plane without human; Cooper's confidence and interest to his children affected me too much in the whole movie but especially here ;) Last thing, notice the pensil among her hairs :P She is so pretty really...

Interstellar - Is The Most Amazing Movie in 2014 In My Opinion

Murph is the daughter of our main character and she is around 10 years old; this is her appearance before her father goes to incredible journey which will cause profound differences in their life and we will see her in different ages during the movie...Even if she is around 10 yeard old, you can notice her uniqueness and wisdom in her face and in her actions in the movie. I have to say that almost all character choices are wonderful and these profiles and their static attitudes towards to events never change! This makes movie more cool.

Interstellar - Is The Most Amazing Movie in 2014 In My Opinion

A newly found warmhole has become a hope for the humankind into this choatic atmosphere and our man is Cooper was included the project after a group of astronauts were chosen for the survival project and creator of project thinks only if Cooper becomes leader of this group, they can achieve to find a suitable planet to live after earth...Because Cooper has very unique features. It has started here that various of emotions affect us in the whole movie; we can see Cooper describes time to her daughter; because he will leave home in a short time and he wants to give this watch to her daughter as a gift and whenever he is back to home they will see the difference and she will never forget the time and wait him always :) But she never wants him leaves home but he will do eventually for earth...I don't want to give anymore detail and not to kill the mood of people who haven't still watch it yet ;)

Interstellar - Is The Most Amazing Movie in 2014 In My Opinion

Explorers will notice 1 hour in world is equal to 7 years in the place where they visit; besides the time, they will witness some other incredible differences and events, and events will happen in this dimension will cause unexpected results in their lifes...

Interstellar - Is The Most Amazing Movie in 2014 In My Opinion

Anne Hathaway is closest friend of Cooper in the journey. She adds a very different mood into the movie with her pure beauty and her sincerity...She is 'still' same even in the end of movie :))) You will see what i mean after watching ;)

Interstellar - Is The Most Amazing Movie in 2014 In My Opinion

Afterwards, it is priceless to witness that explorers will come across inevatable results of journey and we will experience all of these emotional and strange moements. Effects of situations are getting stronger due to actor's performances,i only have cried in 3 movies in my whole life (Brave Heart-Ben X-Interstellar) and that was the moment u can see from above picture. I'm sure some people can't resist their tears like me when they watch the movie. In fact, we can say that Interstellar isn't only a pure 'science-fiction' when we think of these different emotion we experience in movie; it has some strong drama sides from real lifes and i have to add that this movie doesn't include any drug/sex or any nudity; this is another side I love most <3

Interstellar - Is The Most Amazing Movie in 2014 In My Opinion

Anddd our magical 'tesseract' scene...Motion of movie changes extraordinarily when Cooper finds himself in tesseract which is a changed type of his daughter's room and he can monitor the flood of 'time'; even can affect it instantly; there are lots of sciene signs and different values here, you may find unreal some of them;or you may find so magical,this depends on ur view to world and science :) Because I have to confess some scenes have unreal parts according to sciene values...Anyway i have watched it as a 'movie', and I didn't my prejedges near me while watching :P I suggest you the same ...

I don't think there will be some people won't be sensitive when they witness the moment Cooper and Murph come across in the tesseract; and Murph is around 10 years old there again ;) Connection between them is incredible touching...

Here is the tesseract scene :)

As a conclusion; if you watch the movie as a movie, as a masterpiece, as an art; you will never get bored and you will never lose urself among sciene issues ^_^ It is a fun and intense movie,it highlights our values and a possible future of earth.It is thoughtful; maybe a little intruguing scientifically as I mentioned above,it brings you some other worlds which you can't imagine. I really recommend this movie to all age groups; I guarantee you won't regret about time which you consume on this masterpiece and after all I am sure value of this movie will change in time by piling up like 'Artificial Intelligence: AI' or 'Fight Club'...Thank you for reading my first myTake and I hope all enjoy reading it :)

Interstellar - Is The Most Amazing Movie in 2014 In My Opinion
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