Everyone likes my husband better than me, what can I do to not be so upset or take it personally?

We both are involved in the graphic design field and make websites and logos and we both have a style. We are similar in ways yes but our work as a whole looks differet, obviously calling attention to certain clients. Everyone seems to love his work over mine, and even fans of my work have gone over to him. He gets more "likes" on his graphics than me, by a lot, and followers in our networking sites. It's a huge blow to my ego and I feel invalidated in a sense. I feel embarrassed to keep going, since everyone favors him over me. It just makes me want to give up. I've tried talking to him about how I feel but he gets so mad at me, so I keep it to myself now. I work really hard and feel like even when I do get noticed for my work, it's nothing that makes me feel any better. People know us together, and it's night and day the attention and praise his work receives over my own. I feel like a failure. How can I get out of this downward spiral of feeling like crap about myself?
Everyone likes my husband better than me, what can I do to not be so upset or take it personally?
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