Love Story, What Is True Love?

I have read on here SO many times, "How can I get him to like me?" "Why can't I get a date?" "What do I have to do?"

Here's what it's all about.

1) Stop looking for love just to have it. Love is such an amazing thing to have, and when you think you can find it in just any guy or girl, you're making a mistake. Sure, there are dozens of people you could be with, yet one would be better than the other. Are you settling? So often people just want to rush into a relationship so they can have the status, or so they can experience "love" when all it turns out to be is an experiment with lust, or the love of falling in love. You are something so much more than you think. You are already complete without someone beside you. Stop looking for someone to "complete you". If you were looking around all this time for someone to complete you, that would mean there's something wrong with you if you never marry, and that's just not true.

"You are already complete without someone beside you. Stop looking for someone to "complete you"."
2) Finding the right person isn't about what's wrong with the other person, or how much you can do for them to get them to like you, it's about you. You have to become the man/lady for that other person. You have to be that specific person just for them. You should NOT turn into a person that you think they want you to be, but you should always improve yourself to who YOU think you should be so that when someone comes along later looking for those exact traits, they'll find it in you. Not only will they be happy for you doing what you did to further yourself, but you'll be happy to be in a relationship that is everything you ever wanted.

3) Love is dying. Many people take so much advantage of this word that they literally rape it and leave in the street for the flies. Reconsider your relationship with a person that you're interested in. Does he/she benefit you just as much as you benefit them, and no, I'm not talking about sex or anything of that sort. Go on a sex/kissing/touching fast... see if you can make it for a week. Don't whine, complain, or grumble about it. See if your relationship still holds firm even after physical affection is taken away. Sex is good but it's not what love is all about.

Love your partner, don't lust them.

Above all, be confident in your own thinking and beliefs. Be who you are without apology, and change only when you feel that you need to, not because someone else does. Be who you are, because you choose it. Unless you choose who you are, then can you really tell me what your name is? Or should I ask your potential intimate friend?

Love Story, What Is True Love?
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