The three kinds of love - A guide to knowing your own relationships


"I love you"... It's not really a difficult thing to say, but it's really difficult to understand its meaning. Think about a significant other that you loved in the past, love now, or will love in the future (if you've not been in a relationship).

What do you love about that person? Do you love the way they treat you? Do you love their personality? Do you love the sound of their voice? Do you love the way they look? Or do you just love them, and can't explain why?

I've tried to disect it, study it, and learn what exactly makes one person's heart beat for another. I've studdied religeous text, I've interviewed people in happy relationships, and I've spent many, many hours searching my own mind and soul for the answer to the question: What is love?

Well, I finally decided on an answer that works for me, and now I'm here to share it. The components of love for one's significant other are a sum of three parts: Love of the body, Love of the mind, and Love of the soul.

Love of the body

The three kinds of love - a guide to knowing your own relationships.

When you first meet someone, all you know about that person is their physical state. What they smell like, the sound of their voice, the clothes they are wearing, their height, weight, social class, etc...

These physical things form an initial attraction to someone. These things last a while, but eventually fade with time. A love of the body is a good place to start a relationship, but not a good thing to dwell on. If the only thing you like about your partner is the way they have rippling abbs, and can have sex for hours on end, your relationship isn't going to last long.

On the other hand, loving a person's physical body is still important to a relationship, and not unhealthy by any streatch of the immagination. It helps to put your partner's insecurities to rest, and can strengthen the bond between you.

Love of the mind

The three kinds of love - A guide to knowing your own relationships

Love of the mind is the most comonly used form of the words "I love you". Loving someone's mind means loving the way they treat you, loving the way they think, or loving how they walk. Your significant other could choose to act any way they wanted, but they chose to be that way, and you love that.

When you love someone for their mind, the two of you will be very in sync. You'll have similar tastes, and similar dislikes. You'll enjoy spending time together, and you can certainly base a long, happy relationship off of this kind of love.

However, don't be decieved. Not as easily or surely as appearance, but still, just as common, things like personality traits, tastes, and mental capacity will change with time as well. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse, but everyone goes through personality changes at some point in their lives.

Still, it's not a bad thing to base a relationship on. Many couples go their whole lives without making it past love of mind, and love of body. Neither of them change in a bad way, and they live happily ever after. But there is a third level, and this is where it really gets interesting.

Love of the soul

The three kinds of love - A guide to knowing your own relationships

The final form of love that I discovered is the love of the soul. When you love someone's soul, you love them unconditionally. It's not based on something artificial that may fade over time. No matter how your partner changes, you will always love them.

This is no doubt the most fanatical kind of love. They could do anything to you, and you would forgive them. You would gladly do literally anything for them, and you will put your own needs and desires aside to make them happy in any way you can.

This kind of love is formed by a concious decision, and will cause you to love your significant other's mind, and body, no matter what the state.

For me (and all other Christians) this kind of love is achieved by first, accepting God's unconditional, and unending love for ourselves, and then giving that love to others.

I want to be able to give advice on how people without religion can still achieve this level, and how people from other faiths can achieve this level through their religeons, but I'm drawing a blank as to how to get there for them. I'm hoping for some oppinions from the GAG audience on this.

The three kinds of love - A guide to knowing your own relationships
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