
Search Results: befriend a guy you like

5 Reasons Why I Don't Befriend Girls

1. They Are The Biggest Backstabbers You'll Ever Meet. Girls will act like they're your friend and then they'll proceed to betray you in some way. They may talk shit about other people with you but when you're not...

Nice guys don't finish last

"Nice guy" is the most misinterpreted term in today's dating world. The most famous line of today's dating scene is: Nice guys finish last.  The worst thing is we are confusing a real nice guy with a fake nice guy....
45 217 See More

Why Women Don't Like "Nice Guys".

I want to be make something clear before i write this my take, I actually want a real nice guy but the problem is, genuine nice guys don't whine and bitch about themselves not being able to find a girlfriend or get laid....

The nice guy trope and it's everyone's problem

First of all, I want to explain what a "nice guy" is because it's a lot different then I think people realize. So here's a bit from the urban dictionary to explain. A nice guy is either one of two types: The first being a...

A letter (that I will never send) to my guy friend (who was never my friend).

We had become good friends, so I’ll never understand why you wanted to risk ruining our friendship by sleeping with me, if you were only after my body. I’d come to know you through a shared hobby. I wasn’t attracted to...

Yes I am a 'Too Good To Be True' kind of a guy and I don't like to show off nor I use and throw girls for my own good.

It hasn't been long since I grew all handsome. As a child, I always wondered what kind of a man I would become : the honest, the kind, the loyal, the perfect in every sense. To begin with, I would like to tell you that...

6 Deadly Dating Mistakes Guys Commonly Make

Dating is the bane of many a man's existence. Its very common these days to see men, calling themselves "average frustrated chumps"; no matter what they just can't seem to get it right with the ladies and can't understand...

Shy Guys And The Shy Complex

Okay shy guys, we get it. You're shy. But don't be. I realize that is easier said than done, but if you make a real effort to come out of your shell, girls will notice and you will find yourself with options you...
77 118 See More

7 Ways Guys Can Make Themselves More Attractive

1. Get a haircut that works well for your face Most people care about the face so let's start with how best to maximize it. You can get a haircut that works well with your face and help make you more attractive....

3 Reasons Why Guys and Girls Can Be Friends...But Only For a Time

So let me start off by saying this doesn't apply in all situations. Some people may have different backgrounds or stories that void what I have said, but this is what I believe to be a general idea of opposite genders...

Confronting My Guy Friend Who Touched Me Inappropriately

All I can say is I didn't quite expect it. I've had a guy friend for a few years now. I'll be using the term "friend" quite loosely because it's not like we hang out or even talk all the time, and I'm not sure if he would...

My Problem With Females Being " Just One Of The Guys"

"I'm Just One Of the Boys" Ever meet that girl who seems to only have guy friends? Her favorite thing to say is " I'm just one of the guys." That statement drives me crazy.. She's that girl who hangs out with the dudes...

Just being one of the guys!

My problem with girls who are "Just being one of the guys". A Guy's Girl Everyone has met this type of woman. The one who claims that she's "just one of the guys " and has no female friends. She's that girl whose...

Why Guys Who Believe In The Friendzone Annoy Me

I often hear people referring to the friendzone. According to a quick google search, a friendzone is "a situation in which a friendship exists between two people, one of whom has an unreciprocated romantic or sexual...
10 122 See More

A Message to All the Guys Who are Called "Creepy"

Guys, have you ever been wrongfully called "creepy" by a girl, just because you are shy and don't talk a lot? Or you like doing different things that that crush of your dreams doesn't like? Or because you've never had a...

Why Guys Should Pay For First Date

The oldest topic of debate! Who should pay on first date? This is mytake explainig why men should pay on first date. 1) It Makes Your Intentions Clear You pay for her = You’re interested in her. If those are not your...

Sexism, Unity, and Cooties

Since I'm seeing lots of MyTakes on sexism as a result of International Women's Day, I thought I'd attempt my own. As I see it, the ultimate end to sexism requires unity and friendship between the opposite sexes ....

A More Neutral Look at the 'Friendzone'

The friendzone is today almost certainly the most exhaustively discussed of the relationship woes. On the Internet, it is like a loose beast and even for the most intelligent men (and women) it is a difficult concept to...

Making Friends In 10 Easy Steps

Hi guys and girls. I hope your day is going Fantastic. I will be covering some tips to making new friends and building quality connections. Before following these tips you will first need to identify the type of friend...

I Am a WGHOW- Woman Going Her Own Way: Here's Why...

I just don't want to be involved with men and sadly, I'm straight. How it started.... I used to be fat. It was the most harshest time of my life. I was mocked, ridiculed. I was constantly shamed. You know who meted out...