5 Reasons Why I Don't Befriend Girls


1. They Are The Biggest Backstabbers You'll Ever Meet.

Reasons Why I Don't Befriend Girls

Girls will act like they're your friend and then they'll proceed to betray you in some way. They may talk shit about other people with you but when you're not around, they'll talk shit about you behind your back.

2. Girls Will Stir Up Too Much Unnecessary Drama.

5 Reasons Why I Don't Befriend Girls

They will always stir up girl drama, its so goddamn annoying. Constantly accusing someone of doing something and making the whole clique turn against that girl even though she did nothing wrong. Spread rumors about a particular person, gossip, and all of that crap. That's one big reason why I don't hang out with girls.

3. In a Relationship? They'll Sabotage It.

5 Reasons Why I Don't Befriend Girls

Kiss your relationship goodbye if you're gonna be friends with girls. They will use anything they can against you and your partner. They'll make personal attacks on you and your boyfriend just for fun or because of jealousy. Who knows.

4. They Will Make Anything a Competition.

5 Reasons Why I Don't Befriend Girls

Girls are so competitive. They'll always try to be better than you and discourage you from trying harder making you feel like total shit. They'll make you feel like they're better than you no matter what.

5. Have Different Opinions/Views? They'll Turn Against You.

5 Reasons Why I Don't Befriend Girls

Having a different opinion means losing those friends, especially if they're political views. They will use their mob mentality to make your opinion seem weaker and turn it into a full blown argument. They'll scream at you and belittle you for your different opinion. Whatever you do, just don't share your opinions with them or you'll end up losing those friends.

Now, I only befriend guys because they're so much easier to get along with and relate to. They don't sabotage your relationships, backstab, gossip, start drama, and turn against you. They're a whole lot nicer too.

Well that's it for my MyTake! If I missed any points feel free to add them!

5 Reasons Why I Don't Befriend Girls
110 Opinion