Why I'm Not Like Other Girls

A lot of people, especially girls, like to claim that they're nothing like their own gender. Feminists claim that is a sexist thing to say but it's not sexist if it's actually true based on statistics. I don't think there's anything wrong with being like other girls. I do have some things in common with other woman, but there are some fundamental aspects that differ from most women. It's just the way I am. Physically, I have a lot of feminine characteristics. I have a vagina, big boobs, long hair, and etc. But mentally, there are big differences. Sometimes I wonder if I'm intersex and don't know it. For example, my outer shell is completely female but there may be some male organs, cells and tissues inside me and my DNA, which also affected my brain.

I'm actually androgynous

This means that I'm equally masculine and feminine. I'm not as feminine as other women. but I'm not that masculine either. I like every color. I like knitting, sewing cooking, baking, women's fashion, makeup and many other traditionally feminine activities. But I also like fishing, carpentry, boating, lifting, archery, shooting and other traditionally masculine activities which most girls aren't interested in. So it pretty much equals out.

I have a very high sex drive

My sex drive is insanely high compared to other women. I can have sex with my partner everyday. There are days where I want it all the time. Some days when I want it only once. I sometimes masturbate multiple times a day. I can have sex with guys who I don't have an emotional connection with and I never get emotionally attached after having sex.

Why I'm Not Like Other Girls

I'm mostly dominant

I'm socially and sexually dominant. I know what I want and I can make up my mind. Who I am outside the bedroom is also who I am inside the bedroom.

I have a deep voice

I hate listening to my own voice. I rarely meet girls who have voices as deep as mine (or even deeper).

I don't mind dating a guy who has a lower social status than me

I hear that most girls wouldn't date a guy who makes less than they do. I wouldn't mind it as long as we like each other and he doesn't get insecure about it.

I would date a bisexual guy

I'm straight but I see that a lot of straight girls say that they wouldn't date a bisexual guy.

I don't have any friends

Almost every girl has at least one friend. Girls are more social than boys, but I'm very asocial compared to most girls. No, I'm not one of those girls who thinks that all girls are bitchy and catty. I think only a minority of girls are bitchy and catty, but they most certainly don't represent the majority of girls. I just don't think I can a find a girl who can click with me. I also don't think the majority of boys can be 'just friends' with me.

I'm autistic

On average, girls are a lot less likely to be autistic. I think my autism is more severe than people think it is but I'm just good at hiding it.

I like being completely independent

Unlike most girls, I don't like to rely on other people and I don't like getting help from others. I like to travel alone. I also don't like to vent to people in person. I'd rather talk to myself or write about it. I feel more accomplished when I can handle my problems on my own despite people advising me that I shouldn't be like this. Maybe if I was a guy, people would applaud this.

Why I'm Not Like Other Girls

I have that no nonsense attitude

This usually doesn't work in my favor because I'm girl. If I was a guy, it would work well for me.

I'm very honest

Most girls lie in order to avoid hurting people's feelings and to be politically correct but I don't care about any of that. I think the cold, harsh truth is way more important than feelings.

I wouldn't get offended if my partner doesn't completely trust me

I don't trust anyone 100% and I don't expect my partner to trust me 100%. As long as they respect me and love me, I don't care that they don't trust me 100%. Unlike most girls, I don't think I'm entitled to be trusted by people. I'm not planning to have kids. A lot of girls say they would end the relationship if their partner gets a DNA test for their child, but I wouldn't be hurt or end the relationship because of that. I know paternal uncertainty is a real thing.

I'm politically moderate

Most girls seem to be totally liberal. I think for myself and sometimes I don't even pick a side on certain topics.

Why I'm Not Like Other Girls

Thanks for reading. There may be more things I don't have in common with other girls but this is all I can think of for now.

Why I'm Not Like Other Girls
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