Why I Have "High Expectations" When it Comes to Men

I've been accused of being "sexist" countless times on GAG just because I have high expectations… so here's why I have them:

1) Why I prefer the guy to approach me

I want a guy to look at me like I'm the only girl in the room, like there is no other girl he would rather be with.

Why I Have "High Expectations" When it Comes to Men

For all of those saying this is a fantasy- you're wrong. There isn't a marriage that will work if the person you're with doesn't physically stand out in a crowd. That would just lead to infidelity later down the road.

That is why I prefer the guy approach me, because it shows he noticed me out of everyone in the room. I know it sounds cheesy but every guy that I've tried to take the initiative with, hasn't worked out because i end up liking him more than he likes me.

2) Why I hope he walks up to my front door to pick me up

Yeah, its a very simple gesture. Its just walking up to the door right? But it means a lot. It doesn't cost anything but 30 steps and is way better than a text saying "I'm here" or even worse, a honk.

Why I Have "High Expectations" When it Comes to Men

It appears lazy and as if you don't care when you don't walk up to the door. Ever since i was 16, my mom has not let me go on a date with a guy who didn't walk up to the door to pick me up. Even though it may appear anal, its what i grew up with and it shows a certain level of respect.

3) Why I hope he pays for the first date

I can easily pay for my own meal- i make my own money. It is simply a nice gesture and makes me feel like he is enjoying his time with me. I know this is a huge controversy on gag but i've always had a guy pay for the first date and its never been a problem. This indicates that he likes me enough to invest in me after meeting me once.

Why I Have "High Expectations" When it Comes to Men

Side note: If its a first date and I'm not feeling him- i won't let him pay. For all of you men saying that girls use men to get free meals- not the case all the time.

4) Why I hope for a text goodnight

Why I Have "High Expectations" When it Comes to Men

This means that he really enjoyed his time. He isn't playing games and likes me enough to want to talk to think about me before he goes to bed. Every guy that has genuinely been interested in me has done this. Plus, I smile like a little school girl at my phone every time it happens, haha.

In Summary:

Why I Have "High Expectations" When it Comes to Men
Why I Have "High Expectations" When it Comes to Men
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