Top 6 Things I Look For In Older Men

Top 10 things I look for in older men

It's no secret that a lot of guys, probably even most prefer younger girls. And many of us are attracted to older men. There's no shame in that! I firmly believe that age is just a number when both parties are of legal consent and that compatibility can exist between any two people who are able to establish a connection of common interests and romantic/sexual chemistry.

I can honestly say...I have a hard time dating guys my own age. Not because they're *all* immature, drama queens who are inexperienced or incompatible in bed...just because most of the ones I've met are.

I've dated a lot of guys in my 19 years of life. From 18 to 52, 5'5 to nearly 7ft, Black, White you name it. And I've found out that I have a type...I generally like older guys (30s and 40s). But not just any! Here is a list of 10 things I need to see in an older man to be interested..

#1. Attractive. This is where it all starts for 90% of us at least 75% of the time and saying otherwise is a joke. It's the spark that lights our interest in the first place. For me a guy doesn't have to be anything amazing..but he does have to be tall, broad and sexy with a great smile for me to show any kind of initial interest.

#2. Personality. Yes, of course we look at this too..just only after we're hooked. But it is equally important. An ideal guy for me will be sweet and adoring as well as charming, sensual and positive...he should not be arrogant, dismissive or come on too strong.

#3. Intelligence. For me dating an older guy, respect is a must. If a guy can't keep up in a conversation it's an absolute turn off. I prefer him to be smarter than me, and clever enough to carry on deep, funny, witty and every other kind of conversation because good conversation lays the groundwork for a strong connection.

#4. Protective. Does this mean he's gotta turn into the hulk everytime another guy glances sideways. Absolutely not. Jealousy is a turn OFF. But I expect my guy to be the one to stand up for me if I'm being attacked and care about my well being enough to watch when it's being treatened. With my personal history of abusive men, this is a big one that separates the men from the boys.

#5. Good in bed. A big reason I like older experience. And this includes sex life. My first time trying it with an older man I was shocked...he actually made me orgasm. No one had ever done that before. I've realized since that older men just know how to turn a woman on...after all they've been doing it longer!

#6. Successful. No I'm not a gold digger. But people are going to say that anyway, even though I'm extremely uncomfortable when men spend inordinate amounts of money on me. But a big part if the reason I like dating an older man is the respect and security that comes with the fact they're usually more settled in life.

I like getting into a nice car with a guy that smells good and knowing we're going to have a fun, classy evening instead of going to some lame bar or club or wherever else young guys take me. It's what makes dating older guys such a pleasurable experience.

Success also signifies a lot of other things I look for in an older man. Power, dominance, assertiveness, maybe even a healthy dose of aggressiveness. It completes the picture and like it or not, it's an absolute must for me.

All this and more can make dating an older guy really great...if you're a younger girl who's considering it...go for it! Yes, people will call you all kinds of names...but you know better. It can be a really positive and learning experience.

And if you're an older guy who likes younger girls...don't worry, it doesn't make you a creepy scumbag by itself. Young girls have a lot of the qualities men look for in a woman. It's human nature! So go with and have fun!

Top 6 Things I Look For In Older Men
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