Feminists: They're not all the same!

Feminists: They're not all the same.

'Hairy-legged b!tches"

We've heard them all.

Yet feminism has helped women get the chance to vote, the opportunity to apply for various jobs, and the right to independently own property. Feminism has impacted society in many (and I'd like to think) beneficial ways.

Feminism is a range of movements which promote equal rights, treatment, and opportunity for men and women in political, social, and economic sectors.

Now, the general definition isn't that bad. However, in the 1980's, "feminism" began to branch out into a whole bunch of diverging theories. Some of the more extreme ones have made a name for themselves, causing people to recoil at the notion of a "feminist."

I admit that I opposed feminism for quite a while, associating feminism with extremist "feminazis." But upon realizing that there is more than one type of feminism, my views slightly changed as well.

Liberal Feminism

This is the more subtle feminism that strives to integrate women into a generally patriarchal society. Liberal feminism supports legislations which help remove barriers to women's equality. It believes that women are just as intellectually capable as men, and thus should be given the same opportunities. It promotes the idea of equality of women through her own choices and actions.

Radical Feminism

Radical feminism is, well, the radical one. Some of it's ideals clash with those of liberal feminism, so instead of trying to integrate women into society, it believes that society as a whole must be reordered and patriarchy abolished. It rejects "gender norms," traditional family systems, and the roles usually associated with them. Although this type of feminism generates the most backlash, it's actually the foundation of many ideals for other branches feminism.

Feminists: They're not all the same!

Cultural Feminism

Even though cultural feminism is a more modern branch off of radical feminism, the two types have quite different views. Cultural feminism states that women have an innate tendency to be gentle, kind, caring, and interdependent, while society values "male traits" such as agression, domination, competition, and independence. This actually contradicts the abolition of gender norms -an idea of radical feminism- as it commends the difference between man and woman. It believes that if women ruled the world (which I personally find juxtoposes equality), there would be no more conflict and war. However, cultural feminists tend to focus on individual change and its influence on others, rather than take political measures.

Socialist Feminism

This type of feminism calls for major social change, arguing that the economic sources of women's oppression must be removed. It declares that women's undervalued domestic work will prepetually be dominated by the powerful, wealthy, and predominatly male capitalist class, arguing that for every $1.00 a man makes, a woman only makes $0.70. Socialist feminism focuses on the broader social relations, calling for the end of capitalism in favor of socialist reform of the economy.

Feminists: They're not all the same!

Just because one supports a woman's equality does not mean that one opposes a man's.

There are many, many, types of feminism, and I have only briefly covered a few major ones. Feel free to correct me, and feedback is appreciated :)

Feminists: They're not all the same!
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