We are all Oppressed by Reverse Sexism

We are all Oppressed by Reverse Sexism

As a 17 year old male, I obviously have not been around long enough to witness the severe sexism that has always existed throughout the history of the world. Today we see the leftover effects of centuries of gender bias, but nothing comparable to the past. However, in our increasing efforts to completely eliminate sexism, I believe we have formed a new type of gender bias I call Reverse Sexism. I am about to make an outrageous statement: Males are becoming an oppressed group in modern society. Before I get "thrown to the lions" for my heresy by the many feminists out there, let me explain my logic (or lack thereof, you be the judge :P ).

1. Men are Held to Different Standards Than Women.

We are all Oppressed by Reverse Sexism

(No, I don't want to see a group of men running around in nothing but a t-shirt)

This point has been presented several times on GaG. Things that are acceptable for women are frowned upon if men do them. Some examples I have run across have been a man enjoying a nice day in the park (suspected pedophile), a man walking too close behind a woman (suspected rapist), or even a single father trying to raise his child(ren) (suspected pedophile/kidnapper). Even now on some metro systems in the world, men are required to sit with their legs together or crossed because sitting otherwise is apparently "offensive" to women everywhere. Maybe I'm exaggerating. Maybe I'm not expanding enough. But this leads into my next point...

2. The Male Gender Itself is Considered "Offensive."

We are all Oppressed by Reverse Sexism

Let's face it. Not every man (or woman) in the world is on board the (and yes I'm going to say the "f word") Feminism train. Some men still like the idea of supporting their family and protecting their partner. However, in today's world it is sometimes considered offensive if a man so much as opens a door for a lady, much less wanting to provide/protect his wife or girlfriend. Obviously women can now support themselves like never before in history due to advances in gender equality, but this is no excuse for society to look down on the true men who want to provide for their wife/family as much as they can.

3. There is a Dramatic Push for young women to go into Science but not young men?

We are all Oppressed by Reverse Sexism

Our world will always need scientists. We need good scientists from all backgrounds. But everywhere you look, companies and other institutions are pushing to get girls (and only girls) interested in science. These companies also provide young women with a completely unfair advantage when applying for scholarships, often making these scholarships for the females only. Here's one such example from Google: womentechmakers.com/scholars. Google has what is called the Women Techmakers Scholarship. "Through the Women Techmakers Scholars program, we’re working towards creating gender equality in the field of computer science, and to encourage and support women in tech to become active role models and leaders in the field." - Google.com. Great. There's nothing wrong with supporting women who are interested in science, but shouldn't young men that have an interest in science have the same opportunities as young women to get the necessary scholarships to afford a college education? In a world that truly treats men and women as equals, shouldn't these programs be more interested in funding future scientists regardless of their genders? I don't have only one example of such gender bias. Here's an entire LIST: scholarshipsforwomen.net/science/.

Men around the world are realizing that the growing feminist movement is putting all men in danger of being discriminated against just because they aren't women. True gender equality means equality for women AND MEN. What we see most of the time today is simply Gender Partiality.

We are all Oppressed by Reverse Sexism

We are all Oppressed by Reverse Sexism
Post Opinion