Do I tell her about my inexperience?

I am 23 years old and I have never been on a date before. I haven’t even got close to getting my first kiss yet. The furthest I have ever gotten with a girl was a single hug. I get almost to the point of a nervous break down whenever I try to talk to a girl that I find attractive. I am trying to work on trying to talk to girls, and I am improving very slowly. I am hoping that with enough work I’ll be able to get a date by the time I reach age 25.

My question is whenever I do manage to get a date/ if I ever get lucky enough to get my first girlfriend should I tell her about my past/ inexperience?

To be honest I would have no idea what to do on a date, let alone know how to kiss, or do anything like that. I have been told by my friends that it would be a major turn off to tell a girl about my inexperience, and at all costs never ever mention it. I just thought it would let her know that I might make a lot of rudimentary mistakes, and she could cut me some slack. Also make her feel special that I finally was able to open up to her. I am just looking for a second opinion. I suspect that most will agree with my friends.

Thanks everyone!
+1 y
I have a follow up question. In a scenario that I get my first girlfriend and we really like each other and stay together for 6 months to a year. Should I tell her then about my inexperience? Or should it be something that just dies with me?
Do I tell her about my inexperience?
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