Has anyone ever dated an avoidant person?

I dated a woman for almost 2 years that I think was an avoidant person.
What do think?

From the very beginning she would show some interest in getting to know me but then back off. After our first date I texted her the next day to tell her I had a good time and she immediately ended the convo saying she was at work and too busy to talk.
I asked for a second date the next day and was told she was too busy this week. I took the hint and decided she was not interested and did not talk to her again. Then 3 days later she texted to ask how I was and we started talking again, after several days I asked for a second date again and she accepted but then would not agree to a 3rd so I gave up again and then she brought it up a few days later and we had a 3rd date.

she then asked if we could be official to which I agreed and I thought things would get better but from then on she still seemed very distant and uninterested in me and uncomfortable with emotional or physical closeness. She told me she’d never been kissed and so after a few months I asked if I could kiss her and she agreed but it was very short kind of kiss your mom kiss I just thought it was inexperience and it would get better but it never did.

she would go days or couple weeks with out texting me and I wouldn’t ask why or initiate, I just let her come to me. She also never invited me to hang out or spend time it was always me that asked her to get together.

2 years of this go by and I’ve gotten to know her parents who loved me, been to their family get togethers but still kept at arms length by her.
she would not cuddle or sit close to me and was visibly uncomfortable with physical affection.

She finally broke up with me after almost 2 years saying she needed space and didn’t know what she wants and that she’s too stressed from work and just wants to be alone in her limited free time. I was her first relationship and she is 30.
I just want an explanation what went wrong?
Is this an avoidant woman?
Has anyone ever dated an avoidant person?
1 Opinion