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I just found this page by googling "should I forget good times I had with my ex". Because for me, I do remember them, all of them...and it is painful to do so. It makes me sad, thinking of what could have been. She was the one that ended the relationship, saying that she didn't feel like she was cut out for a relationship right now, and she was still going through education, finishing a degree, starting a Masters... but I still felt horribly rejected. I just still wonder where that closeness went, you know? I think I'm the sort of person that will always carry a small part of love inside them, for anybody I've ever loved. An echo of the original love, as it were. I do sometimes wish I could erase people and events from my memory, as they give me a lot of pain... but would I be a better or worse person without that pain? I don't know. I know some pretty happy, nice, sorted people who have never had anything bad happen to them, so it doesn't necessarily follow that bad experiences make you a better person, or appreciate life more...sometimes they can wear you out, grind you down, and turn you into a bitter, unhappy, resentful person...which is unfortunately how I feel. I just started some counselling sessions to try to address these issues.
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My first love, or actually the only girl I loved, I lost about three years ago and I'll never forget the good times we had, though those are often accompanied with the regret of what I/ she/ we did wrong and the fact that we will never speak again. Oh well, lol.
03 Reply- +1 y
I know the feeling maybe you could help me to understand my ex.My story is probably a bit more complicated than yours.
I am sure, if you had a long-term relationship that had meaning to him, he remembers some good times but he isn't dwelling on them. He has obviously moved on. You, on the other hand, have not as you are still reminiscing enough to post this. That's okay, it's only been a few months. Everyone has a different timetable as to when they can move on. If you still find yourself thinking about your ex on a regular basis in another few months, you might want to post again to get some ideas on how to move on.
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okay if it was love, it never dies. No one can ever forget those memories. But even if it wasn'tt serious or anything, you still remember. Guys are just like us, just some try to act like they don't care. So hunny no. I'm sure if you think of the good memories, he does too. because my ex broke up with me and he talks about only the good memories we had. So if you were important to them, they won't forget.
00 Reply
That probably depends on the person and how the relationship ended. Personally, mine ended rather sadly but I reminisce everyone once in awhile. I don't think you forget but you put it behind you and move on.
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What Girls & Guys Said
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Never ever do we forget the good times. The bad fade and eventually they are hard to dig up, but the good is always there. Sounds like you're not ready to let this relationship go.
00 Reply - +1 y
Like most people have said half of them do, half of them dont.
I myself remember many good times from my past few ex's.
But I wouldn't ever let that come in the way of a relationship I get into.
Some people don't understand that guys have emotions too!00 Reply I think guys try and forgot and think they are moving on - only for the emotions to come back and bit them on the arse when they least expect it. They have a habit of boxing things up x x x
00 ReplySome Do, Some dont. I can't remeber anything from a couple of my ex's, but that's because they cheated on me, so I kinda hate them
00 Reply- +1 y
I certainly don't. My ex broke up with me about a year ago and I still think about her almost daily.
02 Reply- +1 y
Is it different when they break up with you or you break up with them?
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No. If I broke up with her, I would still remember all the fun times I had with her. Either way, I had fun with her and will probably remember the good times for a long time, and we only dated for 3 months!
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Of course we don't just forget the good times. But if we've moved on, then we don't 'cherish' those moments we've shared. We go about our day as we would any other point in time.
00 Reply - +1 y
all I remember are the good times... and it seems just like yesterday too!
00 Reply - +1 y
Nothing is ever forgotten.00 Reply - +1 y
fock nah
00 Reply
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