If you got a second chance with an ex who was perfect would you take it?

We broke up 3 years ago (my fault, combination of immature, scared, and got jealous of little things). I've been working really hard on myself to not be like that. Last Friday I went out to celebrate, got drunk and then text her. Following morning after woke up and realized I had become a stereotype of "what could have been" and immediately felt like crap. Ever since then though we've been talking for hours a day. She's single, I'm single, and she said that I have changed in all the right ways. I keep thinking maybe I'm just imagining it. But its at least 100 texts a day, and my heart races like it did when we first started dating. It definitely feels like it could be more than 2 people who were good friends catching up. Am I trying to find find gold in a silver mine here?
What the hell are you doing?
See how things happen, dont rush back in
Ask her out to coffee
Confess true feelings
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She said its never going to happen, she's interested in someone else but doesn't want to lose me as a friend. Thats pretty unhealthy for me, I'm always gonna want more... I also can't immediately cut and run because then she'll be right about me again. Can't let her win everytime, still hurts tho
If you got a second chance with an ex who was perfect would you take it?
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