Boyfriend crying over his ex?

So yesterday I broke up with my boyfriend of 4 months (I say boyfriend but he's never even officially asked me out). The reason was I was having trust issues not because of anything he's done but because of my past relationship. Later that day we went to talk and he was crying asking me not to leave, I told him I felt like he didn't truly love me, and asked why he can't love people. He then REALLY started crying, here I am thinking it's about me until he says that he never thought he could love someone again after his ex Sam, and that he never wanted to love someone again, I am now comforting this man as he cries over another female. he goes off saying we have the same birthday and how he didn't think he could ever love anyone else, but then he met me, and that I am the first person that has made him happy SINCE her. I don't know I felt like none of this sat right with me, the use of the word since made me feel like a replacement even though it was 3 years ago. I feel like he still loves her, now I can't tell if he was ever crying about me or if it was all about her. When I went to leave he started crying ever harder begging me not to go, and that he didn't want to lose me. I love him but I don't know if I can be with him, am I overreacting? I know at the age I am it's going to be hard to find someone who has never had their first love, and obviously we are all going to be effected by our past relationships, he told me she led him on for a year, that they were inseparable and then he ghosted her. Is this grounds to leave him or am I being a baby?
Boyfriend crying over his ex?
7 Opinion