I have suffered heartache in relationship emotional abuse i experienced physical pain symptoms near heart area on the body. It was excruciating at times. It's been many years. Anxiety seems to take over anytime something reminds me of the trauma. Please check my blog on medium to learn more about my experience it's very sad. Type this in google search engine awakened from darkness adversity to light shining to all in the midst of difficulty and uncertainty and click on link one the user name is Blisnes How would i move and take another chance? I need support and community.
Relationship hurts when they turn out for thr worst pr break up in a bad way. But you should not let yourself suffer while those idiots are loughing like nothing.
Life goes on. Don't give up and keep trying to find someone kind who won't hurt you pr break up with you in a bad way.
I was once dumped by my local crush that I had really deep feelings for when I was 17 years old. It hurt emotionelly, and the emotional pain caused my brain to think that its in the fight or fly situation. So many days after when i was overthinking about him my body started to shake and get cold and a feber fast. I lost my appetit and my anemia of iron and vitamin b12 got worse and below 50g/l, when women are suppose to have 120g/l.
When he broke up with me, he sayd that he wanted to focus on school. But I saw on his story that he went to night clubs with his friends many times and he also sayd that im a wifey. I guess i m more distracting than a nightclub. Wow he rearry thought i was stupid haha. Anyway he came back begging me to be his girlfriend again.
As you can see love hurts bad. But I survived because I know there are different fich in the sea. Some are sharks that will hurt you when they are hungry, some are beautiful fish, some are cute and brainless as goldfish, some are very smart and kind.
So just continue to not give up and don't let those idiots win.
I did continue to date and met many kind people. Painful relationship teach you to be more careful and smart to how you choose who to date.01 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
- +1 y
I was with a guy that I truly loved. We were engaged. Somewhere along the line it turned abusive. It ended when he beat me in the apartment parking lot. He was screaming in my face that he loved me so much as it was happening. I did press charges.
For a long time I did not believe in love. I put up walls. I completely shut. Eventually I started going to therapy and it has really helped. I’ve met a man that is just amazing.
You can find therapists online. There’s clinics that do income based. It’s really helpful. It’ll help you work through the trauma and help you recognize and work through triggers. There’s different kinds of therapy. For me, I found talk therapy and dbt group therapy to be really helpful.00 Reply
To be honest... really really really honest... You don't really "ever" fully heal from those kinda wounds.
Those are the kinds that becomes a scar.That being said, this is not something you want to look for help on a forum.
People will easily call all kinda ideas, but YOU are the one who gotta live with the consequences.
My advice, get professional help.
This is the type of emotional wound that will impact how you function further in life.
The sooner you get help, the less risks you have of taking decisions or rejecting oportunities that would actually benefit you.If you wait till u're in ur 40s to get help, you'll look back crying how many good oportunities you passed by for the 10 years that have passed.
Just get help.
00 Reply
1.1K opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. It takes a year of no interruption and fixing 50% of the Cause of break-up. No rebound girl or anything to make one feel like they are okay…only to beak that one up…in same pattern as last one…to go on the next one and use the same pattern to do same break-up.
02 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
- +1 y
Eat right hit the gym and go to THERAPY.
00 Reply - +1 y
Common sense. You have to realize that the people you meet are not the same people who have hurt you in the past.
Could and will other people hurt you? Yes. That is life though. It’s unavoidable.
I do understand trauma though. You need to get help while you work on that for yourself. Make you feel better moving on.
00 Reply - +1 y
Communicate your concerns to your future partners and start by figuring out how trust can be built. We’d need more info to help you with that.
You need to work on yourself to heal the trauma. It’s hard but important. Go to the gym, earn more money, and spend time around men who have their lives together!
00 Reply I went through a long relationship with a lot of emotional abuse. Basically I decided not to rush into a new relationship and to look for red flags before getting too deeply involved, but also to be open to a relationship despite the potential for getting hurt again. We live once. I would rather have risked getting hurt than to not find love.
00 Reply- Anonymous(30-35)+1 y
Always remember that she is not yours, its just your turn. Sloots gonna sloot.
00 Reply - +1 y
same i am traumatized by men i just want these two asshole T and A to give me a source of income and they can go fuck themselves. i wanna move on with my life. find true love and live peacefully
00 Reply You and just about everyone else on the planet, many multiple times.
It takes time to trust again.
If you don't, then you will end up pretty lonely in life.00 Reply- Anonymous(36-45)+1 y
You just do you know why? Because letting some bitch or who knows what to destroy your spirit is not acceptable, you can look at the beauty of the world, take in some fresh air etc but in the end you should always find the power in within to love with all your heart and even more thr next person. Why? because two persons are never the same, you may eventually meet an angel and what do you want to offer to that angel? a broken you because of some bitch? Wake up man and be strong
00 Reply - +1 y
What kind of relationship are you expecting to get from someone who doesn't want to be with you?
02 Reply- +1 y
Sorry, I don't understand what you wrote.
See a doctor to check if everything is good. healthy eating and exercise helps a lot
Just got out of a 10 year relationship and the gym his keeping me going. Take time to do stuff you love. Time heals all wounds
Good luck to you00 Reply- +1 y
Just have to trust. Can't let a pasttime screw up' affect chir future.
00 Reply You should never trust anyone especially females
00 Reply- Anonymous(36-45)+1 y
When you’re ready you will know
01 Reply u
+1 yTherapy.
10 Reply- Anonymous(45 Plus)+1 y
You don't unless you want to be hurt again
00 Reply 2.3K opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. Get therapy
01 Reply- Anonymous(25-29)+1 y
Hmm not sure
00 Reply
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