Did I over react?

A while ago I lost my boyfriend. What happened was we got in a fight and after that fight I perceived him giving me the cold shoulder (I don’t know if he really gave me the cold shoulder or if that was just my perception). Because I felt like he was giving me the cold should I felt hurt and I ask for some time alone.

After that he seemed a lot colder and meaner. And he broke up with me. Now he treats me like sh*t where as before he was really loving and affectionate. It’s like a total personality change. I feel like it was caused by me asking for time alone and I feel like I really hurt him or made him angry. He’s not the same anymore and I really miss him.

I wish I could make things right but I feel like he won’t listen to me now. He’s really cold, dismissive and angry. I wonder if I over reacted by acting for space?

Did I over react?
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