Would you leave your crack addicted baby father?

My children’s father is addicted to crack, the last two years have been terrible with him throwing us out the house from problems
Relating to his addiction, stealing money from me & the children also my dad, it has caused nothing but a ripple effect of heartbreak & then he uses the plot that if I shown him more affection his addiction wouldn’t be so bad, I’m tired trying to raise our children, work & do the upmost everything while he squanders in. Drug addiction, he has opportunity go to a rehab facility but was asked to leave for smoking cannabis but also said that before he left I messed his head up because when he wanted to have sex I told in his eyes a massive lie and said I was on my cycle when I wasn’t. I am numb to all the pain I have endured & I am close to getting a new home for me & my children as I cannot go another year getting thrown out in his tantrums. He still tells me things llike he doesn’t want to live etc and I almost feel as though I am constantly his savior neglecting my own wants and needs for his happiness. Can anyone give me there input or advice I also worry that if I leave something bad will happen to him although I know this isn’t good for me & my children and it’s ruining my mental health ……
Would you leave your crack addicted baby father?
5 Opinion